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Use the three Rs in your daily life to reduce the amount of rubbish we produce. Minimize consumption,
recycle materials including paper, plastics, glass, and metals, and reuse products whenever possible.
Managing garbage properly helps keep landfills, seas, and other ecosystems clean. Select goods and
services from businesses that place a high value on eco-friendly and sustainable environmental
practices. Encourage companies that use renewable resources, encourage recycling, and reduce their
environmental impact. Increase knowledge of environmental pollution and its effects among your
family, friends, and neighbors. Take part in environmental clubs, plan awareness campaigns, and have
conversations about mitigating and preventing pollution.


Teach others and ourselves about the origins and effects of climate change. To increase awareness of
the issue's urgency, share information with your friends, family, and community through talks,
presentations, and social media. Make deliberate decisions to lessen your carbon footprint. This include
adopting energy-efficient appliances, cutting back on water use, turning off lights and devices when not
in use, and selecting environmentally friendly modes of transportation including bicycling, walking,
carpooling, or taking public transportation. Promote environmentally friendly behaviors in your
neighborhood and school. This could entail supporting local and organic food projects, encouraging
businesses and institutions to embrace eco-friendly practices, encouraging recycling programs, and
minimizing trash output.

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