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Manuel E.Arguilla

“Midsummer” is a short story written by Manuel Arguilla, a renowned Filipino

writer. It revolves around a young couple, Awiyao and Lumnay, who are facing marital
struggles. The story is set in a rural Philippine village where tribal customs and
traditions play a significant role.
Awiyao and Lumnay have been married for seven harvest seasons, yet they
remain childless. In their culture, having a child is highly valued, especially for the
continuity of the family line. Due to Lumnay’s inability to bear a child, Awiyao decides to
marry another woman who could provide him with offspring.
The narrative unfolds during the traditional “tug-of-war” dance where men from
the village try to win over women by snatching a strip of cloth from their hands. Lumnay,
despite her reluctance, participates in the dance, hoping to win back Awiyao’s affection.
However, Awiyao avoids her during the event, indicating his determination to marry
someone else.
Throughout the story, the reader witnesses Lumnay’s inner turmoil as she
grapples with the impending loss of her husband and the traditions that dictate her fate.
Despite her love for Awiyao, she recognizes the societal pressures that push him
towards polygamy.
“Midsummer” explores themes of tradition, marriage, and societal
expectations, shedding light on the struggles faced by individuals caught between
personal desires and cultural norms. Arguilla’s narrative skillfully captures the
complexities of human relationships and the tensions between individual happiness and
societal obligations.

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