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Otto Channel - Luyén Thi Chuyén Anh, HSG, FLYERS, KET, PET, FCE SO'GIAO DUC VADAO TAO KY THI CHON HOC SINH GIO! TINH LOP 9 MON THI: TIENG ANH — BE 02 @& T T O Théi gian lam bai: 120 phiit CHANNEL (khong tinh thoi gian giao dé va phan nghe) Thi sinh khéng duoc scr dung bat ky tai ligu nao See Ho ton, chor ky j ba ibm bai ti cua giam khéo 86 phich Bangs6 | Bangcho [4 . Do chi tich 2: h6i déng cham thi ghi BE 02 LISTENING You are going to listen to a talk about working in Japan. For question 1-5, listen and decide the following statements are True (T) or False (F). Statement T F 1. Nearly one fourth of Japanese companies have their a employees work more than 80 hours of overtime per month. 2. The dramatic economic growth beginning in the 1950s © o Propelled Japan to become the world’s second-largest economy. 3. Inside Japan's corporations, the culture emphasizes the o success of individuals. 4. Japan has the lowest productivity amongst the G7 nations. a 5. Working overtime did not ever happen in Japan. You are going to listen to a podcast about minimalism. Listen and ans foll ti with ore than thre¢ rds. LUYEN THI ‘ONLINE (zoom one . are OTTO CHANNEL 1. What do people following minimalism tend to eat? wuyén Anh & HSG cae cf 2. When did the word “minimalism” first turn up? 14 | Khai gidng dinh ky cac lop HSG_A1, A2, B1, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 Otto Channel - Luyén Thi Chuyén Anh, HSG, FLYERS, KET, PET, FCE 3. Minimalist architects like Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, and Maya Lin create structures full of what? 4. Except for minimalistic music, how is minimalism? 5. Who have reacted against the clutter and chaos of life and art, and created many disparate forms of minimalism? Listen to the news about the colossal consequences of supervolcanoes and choose the appropriate answer A, B, C or D to each question. 1. Where did the strange snow fall? A. England and the USA B. Hungary and Italy C. Italy and England D. All over Europe 2. What was the strange phenomenon known as? A. The year without summer B. The year of the Famine C. The year the Apocalypse began D. The year of darkness 3. Which aspect of a supervolcanic eruption makes it the most deadly? A. Earthquakes after the eruption B. Magma destroying everything on its way C. Particles and gases released into the air LUYEN THI ONLINE (ZOOM OTTO CHANNEL ‘uvén Anh & HSG cae car D. The wind it causes 4. Which of these create a ‘volcanic winter’? A. the cooling temperatures B. Ash and particles blocking out sunlight C. Sulfur dioxide reacting in the stratosphere D. Alllof the above 5. Where is a voleanic Caldera nowadays? A. Yellowstone National Park B. Mount Vesubio C. Russia D. The Minx Dynasty 15 | Khai gidng dinh ky cac lop HSG_A1, A2, B1, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 Otto Channel - Luyén Thi Chuyén Anh, HSG, FLYERS, KET, PET, FCE Listen to the second part of the lecture as you listen, complete the notes below with no more than three words. In Britain shops usually open at 9:00 and close at 17:30 but in many cities, they have alate (1) ... once a week. They stay open (2). about 20:00. British vottage is 240 V AC, 50 HZ. Many hotels will be ablo to supply (3) .. for electric shavers. Stamps can be bought at (4), offices. Most hotel bills include a service charge, usually 10-12%, but in some larger 6 it's 15%. People often leave 10-15% for the waiter in the restaurants, and give 30p-50p per suitcase for porters, 10-15% of the fare for taxis and ©) suns Pounds for hairdressers and 50p to the assistant who (7) /our hair. You must remember it is the rule to drive on the (8) .. and overtake on the (9), - Drivers as well as front ~ seat passengers must wear (10), _ belts, LUYEN THI ONLINE (zoom OTTO CHAN LEXICO-GRAMMAR “huyén Anh & HSG ee Choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) to each of the following questions 1. The woman was ...._.. from hospital yesterday only a week after her operation. A. ejected B. expelled C. evicted D. discharged 2. num further rioting to occur, the government would be forced to use its emergency powers. A. Should B. Did C. Were D. Had 3. Unfortunately, our local cinema is on the _.. of closing down. A. verge B. hint C. edge D. threat 4. All courses at the college are offered on a full-time basis unless indicated. A. further B. otherwise C. below D. differently 5. Your argument... that Britain is still a great power, but this is no longer the case. A. outlines B. presupposes _C. concerns D. presents 6. The construction of the new road is. winning the support of local residents. A. thanks to. B. reliant on C. dependent on _D. responsible to 7. Although he didn't actually say he wanted a radio for his birthday he did _ pretty strongly, A. imply B. suggest C. mention D. hint 16 | Khai giang dinh ky céc lop HSG 1, A2, B1, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 Otto Channel - Luyén Thi Chuyén Anh, HSG, FLYERS, KET, PET, FCE 8. Because of cutbacks in council spending, plans for the new swimming pool had tobe |. A. stockpiled B. overthrown C. shelved D. disrupted 9. Don't let that old rascal take you _ A. along B. in C. about D. down with his clever talk — none of it is true. 10. People living abroad are not... to enter for his competition. A. enabled B. permission —_C. capable D. eligible 11. When attacked by his opponents, the general . ..with a strong justification for his policy. LUYEN THI ON LINE eon A. hit back B. struck up OTTO ¢ HANNE. C. leapt up D. pushed forward “Men Anh & Sq che ef 12. Activities in the department store were . protesting against the sale of fur coats. .by animal rights activists A.disorientated —_B. disrupted C. deranged D. disturbed 13. _ In terms of protocol, the President takes __ over all others in the country. A. priority B. the lead C. precedence _D.. the head 14. lrecommend that you ._______. out the information for the courses online. You'll find everything you need there. A. checking B. to check C. check D. for checking 15. You'll be pleased to know that you are... for a scholarship if you wish to apply. A. entitled B. eligible C. appropriate —_.. particular 16. Itnever my mind that he was lying to me A. crossed B. racked C. took D. put 17. The children’s diet was... in Vitamin C, which has caused a lot of Problems. A. absent B. faulty C. deficient D. missing 18. Don't thank me for helping in the garden. It was __ pleasure to be working out of doors A. plain B. mere C. simple D. sheer 19. My sunburnt nose made me feel rather, ... for the first few days of the holiday. A. self-effacing B. self-centred. self-conscious _D.. self-evident 20. He's a nice guy, always ready to do somebody a good. A. present B. play C. turn D. pleasure 17 | Khai gidng dinh ky cac lop HSG A1, A2, B1, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 Otto Channel - Luyén Thi Chuyén Anh, HSG, FLYERS, KET, PET, FCE Provide the correct word form of the word in brackets. 1. Barack Obama is the first President of The United States with (RACE), background. 2. _ His family suffered from his (EXPEND). 3. You look rather (OCCUPY), . Are you worried about something? 4. There's nothing worse than the (FRUSTRATE) .. of being stuck in a traffic jam. 5. The government's (COMPROMISE). approach has brought criticism. 6. After listening to his sad story, the old woman shook her head (SYMPATHY) 7. _ Jim is one of the most (SPEAK). . members of the committee. 8. Computers are now considered (DISPENSE). world. the business 9. Somebody from the audience shouted out, and the speaker was forced to stop in (SENTENCE), 10. They never dare to leave their only child (ATTEND), senna fOF €VEN A ‘moment. -UYEN TH! ONLINE (ZOOM CLOZE TEST OTTO CHANNEL Read the passage below and fill each of the following numbered’ spaces with °° °*" ONE suitable word. Ua SIGNS OF THE TIMES We are familiar (0), WITH. the saying ‘a picture Paints a thousand words" and in the global village the world has become, information in pictorial form is (1) ...we turn. Much communication takes place through symbols rather than words, a case in point (2) iports, where you can ATHOUSIND UN see the majority of the thirty-four symbols devised (3) the American Institute of Graphic Arts in the 1970s. Such signs as a knife and fork for a restaurant or a telephone for a phone booth are a boon for (4) . ..@ traveller who does not speak English or use the Latin alphabet. (5) . worldwide “languages” of this kind are musical and mathematical notation, circuit diagrams, road signs and computer icons, (Caer _. again, bypass the need for words. Even a label on a garment will 18 | Khai gidng dinh ky cac lop HSG_A1, A2, B1, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2

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