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Task 2: Some people think that government should ban dangerous sports, while others think

that people should have freedom to do any sports or activity. Discuss both view and give your
In contemporary world, there has been a growing number of debates surrounding whether the
authorities ought to prohibit deadly games. In my point of view, human should freely choose to attend
any sports they desire. Therefore, this following essay will take a look at both sides of the argument and
clarify my perspective.

On the one hand, opponents of this idea claim that there are numerous detrimental effects that the
government should limits the dangerous sports. To commence with, these sports may have negative
impact on human’s physical and mental health. For example, if people have some chronic diseases such
as heart attack or low blood sugar participating in dangerous activities, they can be easy to fear or even
pass away. Hence, preventing residents from attending these sports as a way to help them avoid
unfortunate cases.

On the other hand, I hold the view that community have the right to do whatever they want. The first
reason is that people have enough knowledge to be full of aware of the dangers before taking part in any
sports. Although mankind may be inclined to get injured, this is their choice so they have to responsible
for their actions. Another factor should be considered is there are some organizations that provide these
sports services invest heavily in facilities including sports equipment and implement policies to ensure
athlete safety.

Taking everything into consideration, I incline towards the view that individuals should have the freedom
to participate in any sport though many think that dangerous sports ought to be forbidden by the
leaders. I suggest that the government should invest in facilities that are safe for players.

Task 1:
The given chart illustrates the ratio of household with cars in a nation in Europe over the period of 30
years, starting from 1971.

Overall, people who had more than a car increased significantly throughout the time while the opposite
trend was true for those with no car.

It is clear that nearly half of the residents did not own any car compared to 35 percent of that one car
and 15 percent of more than 2 cars at the beginning of the period. Over the past 10 years, the
proportion of family owned 2 and more car grew twofold while that of no car saw a slightly decline to
over 40 percent.

In the years 1991 onwards, the percentage of 1 car ownership reached its peak at less than a half
followed by a downward trend to under 45 percent at the end of the period. In addition, more than 2
cars experienced a moderate fall of a tenth and then recovery back to approximately a quarter.

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