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What’s So Great About

Butt Stuff?

Vanessa & Xander Marin © 2022

Unfortunately, anal play is still pretty taboo these
days. So it’s totally understandable if you’re curi-
ous, but still too nervous to actually give it a shot.

We have your back with the answers to all the

questions you’re too afraid to Google!

So, what’s the big deal?

Why should you try butt stuff? No one’s going to
force you to try anal, but there are a few compel-
ling reasons to give it a go:

It’s exciting.
The still-taboo nature of anal sex undeniably con-
tributes to the extra thrill of the experience. It’s fun
to do things that feel “naughty”!

It’s something new to explore with your partner.

Trying new things builds emotional intimacy and
keeps things spicy in the bedroom.

Vanessa & Xander Marin © 2022

There’s potential for a “first-time” experience for
one or both of you.

It adds more options to the menu.

Getting a little bored with your usual routine? Anal
will definitely shake things up.

It feels good.
The best reason to try anal is also the simplest: it
just feels good! There are tons of nerve endings
in and around your butt, and people of all genders
are capable of experiencing a lot of pleasure.

You’re likely to discover that your orgasms will be

stronger and faster with the addition of a little anal
play. Some people can even have orgasms from
anal play alone!

Let’s address your hangups...

“But what about the poop!”
Anal sex is actually a lot less messy than you think!

Vanessa & Xander Marin © 2022

You can have anal play without any sort of penetra-
tion whatsoever. But even if you do opt for penetra-
tion, keep in mind that poop doesn’t just sit in the

Plus, there are plenty of simple things you can do

to keep exposure to an absolute minimum.

“Will it hurt?”
The rectum is quite narrow, so getting penetrat-
ed there can feel uncomfortable if you don’t do it

But there are great techniques for avoiding pain

and keeping things pleasurable for everyone in-
volved. We always recommend going SLOW (even
slower than you think) and making sure you have a
high-quality lube on deck.

“What about straight men?”

OK - it’s time to answer the million-dollar question:
Does liking anal mean you’re gay?

Vanessa & Xander Marin © 2022

The answer is a resounding NO.

It’s truly a shame that so many straight guys still

operate under the caveman-like mentality that be-
ing on the receiving end of any kind of butt stuff
“makes you gay.”

To be perfectly clear, there’s nothing wrong with

being gay! But your sexual identity is defined by
the gender of people you’re attracted to and want
to be intimate with. And even then, you get to de-
cide how you want to identify your sexuality.

Your sexuality is not determined by the fact that

you have nerve endings in and around your butt.
Your sexuality is not determined by the parts of
your body that you choose to play with.

Here’s a funny way to think about it: lots of bi and

gay men also enjoy receiving blow jobs. Does en-
joying oral sex “make you gay” too? Of course not.

Vanessa & Xander Marin © 2022

Does it have to be penetration?
Absolutely not! There are so many things you can
do to stimulate the nerve-endings around the anus
that feel great with no penetration involved.

Bottom (heh) line? Anal is awesome!

We hope this guide gives you the confidence to try

it - or give it another shot!

Vanessa & Xander Marin © 2022

Ready to give it a go?

Check Out Our

Butt Stuff Guide!
We know butt stuff can seem intimidating or even a little
scary at first. But it doesn’t have to be. In this step-by-step
guide you'll get:

• A full breakdown of the ins and outs of butt stuff.

We’re busting common myths, clearing up what butt
stuff actually is and why people like it, and helping you
consider all your options before diving in.

• A tastefully illustrated guide that walks you through

every last detail, step by step. So you know exactly what
to do from the initial prep all the way through to aftercare.

• Tips, techniques, and positions for every body and

experience level. We’ve got you covered whether you’re
using toys, fingers, or a penis. And whether you’re just
beginning or you’re looking for more advanced tips as
your exploration grows!


Vanessa & Xander Marin © 2022

Hey There!
We’re Vanessa + Xander Marin.
Vanessa’s a licensed psychotherapist with 20 years of expe-
rience in the sex therapy field. Xander’s a regular dude who’s
been married to a sex therapist for over a decade.
(Which makes him very popular at parties!)

Our mission is to take the intimidation out of

getting intimate.

We’re here to make you laugh while giving you the courage
to talk openly about sex and relationships so you can have
more fun in the bedroom.

Vanessa & Xander Marin © 2022


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