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Name: Apple Grace Rosales Date: May 23, 2023

Offer code: 6411 Schedule: TTH (3:00-4:30 pm)

Experiential Reflection Paper

In the story of my group, the main plot revolves around the themes of framing
bias, herd behavior, overconfidence bias, the Barnum effect, and learned
helplessness. The first scene shows Marwin being influenced by the Aqua flask
trend on social media, illustrating framing bias and herd behavior. The second
scene highlights Megan's overconfidence in the exam, which contrasts with
her subsequent failure, demonstrating overconfidence bias. The third scene
explores the Barnum effect as Ana and her friends interpret general
statements about dreams and horoscopes as specifically relevant to Ana's
crush. Finally, Megan's response to her failure and rejection of support from
her friends exemplify learned helplessness. Overall, the script delves into
these psychological biases and behaviors, showcasing their effects on the
characters' actions and perceptions. I felt thrilled and enjoyed working with
my group members while we were filming and preparing the movie. From
writing the story to filming, we worked together, overcoming obstacles and
having fun. The procedure demonstrated our inventiveness, teamwork, and
collaboration. Despite retakes, we had a positive outlook and welcomed the
chance for development. Exploring new methods and aesthetic components
while filming gave me the chance to learn and develop. However, it was a
rewarding and engaging event that gave us a chance to show off our creativity,
cooperation, and personal development.

After watching the presentations from every group, I can say that some of
them presented their intended biases in a way that I didn't quite understand,
while others I really liked. I couldn't stop laughing the entire time I watched
their moves because they were so hilarious. The editing and camera angles
used by all the groups brought a professional touch to their videos in terms of
presentation. While each group had its own presenting flaws, it's crucial to
note that we all did our best. What counts is that we all tried. I personally
learned a lot from listening to the presentations from each group and gained
insightful information from the variations in their methods. My understanding
of how I frequently have a false sense of confidence in my judgments, skills,
or views has been aided by the cognitive psychology notion of overconfidence
bias. My ability to solve problems and make decisions may be severely
impacted by this bias. I've gained knowledge about the limitations of human
cognition and potential dangers that can occur when I overestimate my own
talents thanks to the study of overconfidence bias. I am now conscious of the
gap between my perceived knowledge or skill and my real performance. I've
come to know that my subjective confidence in my judgments may not always
coincide with objective reality as a result of my understanding of
overconfidence bias. It has stressed the significance of critically analyzing my
own opinions and being receptive to other viewpoints and supporting data.
Furthermore, overconfidence bias has shown how cognitive shortcuts and
biases affect judgment. It has demonstrated to me how my propensity to
overestimate my capabilities may produce erroneous logic, bad judgment, and
subpar solutions to problems. My awareness of my own cognitive limitations
and biases has increased as a result of studying overconfidence bias. I can
now approach problem-solving tasks with more humility, skepticism, and a
readiness to question my presumptions thanks to this insight. It has
emphasized the importance of using evidence-based reasoning, getting
feedback, and taking into account many viewpoints.

I learned a lot from researching these 15 prejudices, and I'll use it to my

advantage in both personal and professional situations going forward.
Understanding confirmation bias enables me to actively seek out different
viewpoints, challenge my preconceptions, and make more impartial decisions
based on a fair assessment of the available evidence. I can avoid
preconceptions, develop decisions based on factual information, and take into
account a wider range of pertinent data by being aware of representative and
availability heuristics. I can approach assignments with a more realistic self-
evaluation, seek feedback, and make educated decisions rather than
depending only on undeserved confidence because I am aware of my
predisposition toward overconfidence bias. I can encourage critical thinking,
embrace open-mindedness, and be willing to alter my ideas in light of new
data if I have a solid knowledge of belief perseverance and cognitive
dissonance. Understanding framing and the halo effect enables me to evaluate
material and people more thoroughly, taking into account many viewpoints
and eliminating prejudices. I am also aware of the risks posed by biases like
victim-blaming, the just world phenomena, and the false consensus effect,
which enables me to approach situations fairly and without jumping to
conclusions. Understanding the Barnum effect has taught me to be wary of
taking generalizations as accurate descriptions and to base my decisions on
logical analysis. In order to acknowledge the impact of hindsight on judgment
and avoid the fallacy of claiming events were predictable, I must reflect
objectively on past events as a result of hindsight bias. The realization that I
have learned helplessness motivates me to confront my sense of helplessness,
develop resilience, and take a proactive approach to problem-solving. And
finally, by comprehending herd behavior, I have the ability to take
independent actions, fend off pressure to conform, and weigh different points
of view. I can negotiate upcoming events and professional situations with
more objectivity, critical thought, empathy, and resilience when I apply these

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