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2.The participant discussed the economic difficulties their community faced after the pandemic.

cited a decrease in income from their grocery store near a school due to reduced student attendance
and financial losses from their pig farm, which was affected by African Swine Fever. These challenges
have put a significant strain on their family's finances, making it challenging to sustain their livelihoods.

3.The participant described a challenging financial situation during the pandemic, with three months of
no salary and loss of other income sources. They expressed embarrassment over borrowing money from
relatives. However, they found relief in receiving essential food supplies from a family member who is a
public school teacher. The uncertainty about the pandemic's duration and its impact on returning to
normalcy adds to their worries about the future.

4.The participant mentioned frequent communication between their husband, in-laws, and themselves,
spanning from Negros to their home region of Mindanao. They shared that their mother-in-law reported
good sales, bringing joy to both her and the participant, prompting a visit to their in-laws. This highlights
the close family bonds and support network despite living apart.

5.The participant described the emotional difficulty they experienced when deciding to move to Negros
with their husband, leaving their close family ties in Mindanao. They emphasized their strong bond with
their family, which had been cultivated through shared experiences from schooling to daily life. The
decision to relocate evoked feelings of homesickness, highlighting the deep emotional attachment to
their family and the complexity of migration decisions.

6.The participant's mother encouraged them to join their husband in Negros to explore potential
opportunities for a better life. This advice was reinforced by the participant's mother-in-law, who had
made investments, such as purchasing a vehicle, to mitigate the impact of reduced income from
charcoal and vegetable sales during the pandemic. This highlights the family's proactive approach to
seeking stability amid economic difficulties.

7.The participant's personal goals prioritize a well-rounded and contented life, focusing on aspects such
as basic needs, travel, social activities, and religious engagement. However, their professional goals
contrast sharply as they shift from teaching to pursuing business ventures. This indicates a clear division
between their aspirations for personal fulfillment and their career ambitions.

8. The participant emphasized that both teaching and business pursuits are driven by the shared
objective of earning income to sustain themselves and enhance their quality of life. Despite the differing
career paths, the overarching motivation is to secure financial stability and improve their standard of

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