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Name : Kadek Lucha Cempaka Ranti

School : SMA N 1 Tembuku

Number : 22
Create a Golden Generation for Indonesia with Kurikulum Merdeka.
Good morning all Hororable Judges, Ladies and gentlemen,
According to Ki Hanjar Dewantara, educating and teaching is a process of
humanizing humans, so it must liberate humans and all aspects of life, physically,
mentally physically and spiritually. So my name si Kadek Luchia Cempaka Ranti,
you guys can call Luchia, from Senior High School no 1 Tembuku. Today, I stand
before you to talk about an exciting initiative that holds the potential to Create a
Golden Generation for Indonesia with Kurikulum Merdeka.
In our rapidly changing world, the need for a dynamic and adaptable education
system has never been more critical. "Kurikulum Merdeka" is a beacon of hope, a
transformative step towards nurturing a golden generation of Indonesians.
This curriculum, rooted in the principles of freedom, innovation, and
independence, is designed to empower our youth to take charge of their own
education. It encourages them to explore their passions, develop critical thinking,
and become responsible citizens. It's a curriculum that embraces not just traditional
subjects, but also life skills, digital literacy, and character development.
By fostering independence, "Kurikulum Merdeka" enables students to learn
beyond the confines of a classroom. It encourages them to engage in real-world
experiences, internships, and community projects. This hands-on learning approach
prepares our youth for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.
Moreover, this curriculum promotes an inclusive approach to education. It
accommodates diverse learning styles and needs, ensuring that no child is left
behind. By doing so, we're sowing the seeds for a truly golden generation, one
that's enriched by diversity and empathy.
As we envision the future, we see this golden generation becoming innovative
thinkers, problem solvers, and leaders in various fields. They will drive economic
growth, foster social development, and contribute to a more inclusive and
prosperous Indonesia.
In conclusion, "Kurikulum Merdeka" is not just an educational initiative; it's a
vision for a brighter, more promising future. It is the cornerstone on which we aim
to build a golden generation that will elevate Indonesia to new heights. With the
right education, the freedom to explore, and the opportunity to develop their skills
and passions, our youth will undoubtedly lead our nation towards a golden era.
So that’s all about Kurikulum Merdeka. Let us embrace this initiative, support our
educators, and inspire our youth to seize the opportunities that "Kurikulum
Merdeka" offers. Together, we can create a golden generation that will shine as a
beacon of hope for Indonesia and the world. Thank you.

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