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NAMA : Frederikus kastorius wilson barage

NIM : 231021011
Majoring : Enviromental Sanitation


Hi! I'm Frederikus kastorius wilson barage, but you can call me Wilson, in
line with the dormitory life theme. This time, I want to share about my experiences
in the dormitory. Ready?
My experience in this dormitory has been filled with valuable lessons,
whether it's sharing food, clothes, shoes, or other things I never experienced back
home. In our dorm room, which accommodates 10 people from various regions, we
choose to sleep on the floor for a cooler and more comfortable experience. Often,
we stay up late chatting about our hometowns. Moving on to the dormitory
bathroom, it might sound funny, but I'm a bit shy about bathing together. Yet, here
in the dorm, my friends and I often shower together while still wearing clothes.
Each of us is required to bring a bucket and dipper for bathing, and it can be
frustrating when these items go missing. Despite occasional annoyances like losing
my shower dipper, living in the dorm has been a fulfilling experience. I've made
great friends from different places who are generous and easygoing. What makes
me happy here is that I can indulge in my hobby of playing futsal, and fortunately,
my new friends share the same interest. From the bottom of my heart, I've gained a
lot from this experience – the dorm atmosphere, new friends, and more. Initially a
late riser, I now wake up early in the dorm, and what I find interesting is that I've
found friends here who match my sense of humor. Honestly, the memories from
my time in this dormitory will always hold a special place in my heart. Oh, there
was also an experience where we were pranked about a missing friend, and it
taught us solidarity and caring for others. It was fun and added to the experience of
having to care for each other and uphold solidarity.
Since I'm still new, those are the experiences I've had. Perhaps in the future,
there will be more experiences. See You In the next story!

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