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Broken but Unbreakable: High School Students from Broken

Families Building Resilience

A Research

Presented to

the Faculty of Senior High School

Sinait National High School

Sinait, Ilocos Sur

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 2



Venus Bautista

Trisha Nicole Inay

Jayfrix Onzaga

Kim Jheremy Rosete



A. Introduction

The family was a fundamental unit of society, and it served as the primary source of

support, security, and stability for children. However, not all families were able to provide a safe

and stable environment for their children to thrive. The effects of broken families on children had

been a topic of concern for most people.

Children from broken families were often more vulnerable to emotional and

psychological distress, which negatively impacted their academic performance and overall well-

being. However, despite the challenges they faced, some children from broken families were able

to build resilience and overcome the difficulties they encountered through coping mechanisms.

The Broken but Unbreakable: High School Students from Broken Families Build

Resilience research study aimed to explore the coping mechanisms and factors that contributed

to the resilience of high school students from broken families. By understanding these factors

and coping mechanisms, we could identify ways in which schools could support these students

and help them thrive.

This study was important because it provided insights into the experiences of high school

students from broken families and the coping mechanisms they used to build resilience. The

findings from this study were very useful in understanding more about what was happening with

students from broken families.

The study, the Broken but Unbreakable: High School Students from Broken Families

Build Resilience research study, was an important step toward understanding how high school

students from broken families could overcome challenges and thrive. By exploring coping

mechanisms and factors that contributed to their resilience, we could identify ways to support

these students.

B.Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine the coping mechanisms of students from broken families

on building their resilience, to explore their living conditions, and to assess their impact on their

academic performance.

Is specifically seeks to answer to answer the question/ questions below.

1. What coping mechanisms do high school students from broken families use to build


2. What factors contribute to the effectiveness of these coping mechanisms?

3. How can this knowledge be used to develop effective support systems for high school students

from broken families?

A.Significance of the Study

Teachers. The role of teachers was helpful in supporting high school students from broken

families to develop resilience and cope with the challenges they faced. Teachers provided a safe

and supportive learning environment that fostered positive relationships and encouraged open

communication. They also helped students develop social and emotional skills, such as problem-

solving, decision-making, and self-regulation, which were essential for building resilience.

Students. The significance of this study for high school students lay in the potential to provide

them with insights and tools to develop their own resilience and coping mechanisms in the

context of broken families. By understanding the coping strategies used by resilient students,

other students facing similar challenges could gain inspiration and guidance for developing their

own effective coping mechanisms.

Society. This study was beneficial to society because it could help individuals from broken

families to know what coping mechanisms they should do to build resilience. Coping

mechanisms and resilience-building practices could help individuals to stay focused, motivated,

and energized, even in challenging circumstances.

D .Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this research focused on high school students who came from broken

families and how they built resilience through coping mechanisms. The study was limited to high

school students in the local area who had experienced a broken family structure. The research

investigated the factors that contributed to their resilience and coping mechanisms, particularly

in terms of emotional and psychological stability. It also explored how these coping mechanisms

were related to academic performance, stress management, social relationships, and other aspects

of their daily lives.

This study did not include students who had not experienced a broken family structure or

those who had not been affected by the absence of one or both parents. The research did not

cover the impact of other external factors such as poverty, abuse, or neglect on resilience

building. The study was limited to the experiences and perspectives of high school students, and

their parents or guardians were not included in the research. Additionally, the study did not

provide a comparison between broken and intact families or explore the causes of broken

families. Instead, the research focused on the coping mechanisms that high school students from

broken families used to build resilience.

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