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Employees Morale and Motivation in Relation to their Job


Charizza Mae A. Bermudez, Jhon Emmanuel N. Ferrer, Kimberly B. Sagun, and Cecile Mae
C. Valdez

Motivation and employee morale greatly influence job satisfaction in the
workplace. Morale relates to employees' mental state, while motivation drives them to
achieve their goals. Employee morale and motivation dynamics are critical in
establishing an organization's degree of job satisfaction. Investing in initiatives to
enhance morale and motivation can result in a more engaged and contented
workforce, ultimately contributing to the organization's success and sustainability.
According to Wakida (2015), motivating employees is very important because
motivation of every individual is his willingness to unreservedly work hard for high
productivity; meaning the employee is willing to use all the abilities that he has for
the sake of his organization by utilizing the available opportunities to accomplish his
organization’s mission. Jobs are not only a source of income but also contribute to an
individual's social identity. According to Namaziandost (2021), job is one of the
important elements of people’s life. Their living style and their social lives depend on
their jobs. Therefore, it is necessary for every organization to have satisfied
workforce. Because one of the most important concerns of a manager is to motivate
the people to make their optimum contribution to the achievement of organizational
goals. Varma (2017) stated, that job satisfaction or employee motivation is studied not
just to handle the turnover but also there are other adverse effects of dissatisfaction
like absenteeism, low performance, lower morale, low contribution to the team, less
coordination, less orientation towards organizational objective these could affect the
organization capacity to compete in the highly competitive business environment.
Because job satisfaction is linked to a higher level of creativity and innovation. When
employees are content and motivated, they are more likely to think outside the box,
propose novel ideas, and contribute to continuous improvement. Employee motivation
plays a crucial role in shaping job satisfaction, as motivated employees tend to be
more engaged, productive, and committed. This positive correlation fosters a healthier
and more effective work environment. To enhance overall job satisfaction, employers
should prioritize strategies that boost employee motivation, according to research by
Zenebe et. Al (2021). The study by Octaviannand et. al (2017), highlights a crucial
relationship between motivation, job satisfaction, and employee performance. It
emphasizes that a decline in motivation negatively affects employee satisfaction and
performance. Conversely, higher levels of job satisfaction and motivation positively
correlate with enhanced employee performance. The research underscores the
importance of maintaining high levels of job satisfaction and motivation to ensure
optimal employee performance.
In the absence of proper acknowledgment, employees may experience a
motivational gap, resulting in decreased enthusiasm and engagement. The intrinsic
drive to excel and contribute to the organization diminishes, impacting overall job
satisfaction. Inadequate recognition not only affects individuals but also influences
team dynamics. A lack of morale and motivation among team members can lead to
reduced collaboration, communication breakdowns, and an overall decline in job
satisfaction across the team. Employees who do not feel recognized are more likely to
explore opportunities elsewhere. This recognition deficit contributes to higher
turnover rates as disheartened employees seek environments where their efforts are
acknowledged and appreciated.

Objectives of the study

The main purpose of the study is to determine the correlation between
employee morale, motivation, and job satisfaction.
Specifically, the study intends to:
• Identify the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, and
educational attainment.
• Identify the factors contributing to employee morale in the organization.
• Determine the sources of motivation for employees in the organization.
• Find out the effects of job satisfaction to the employees.
• Assess the relationship between employee morale and job satisfaction.
• Examine the influence of morale and motivation to the job satisfaction of the

Employee morale
According to Mallik et. al (2019), Morale is an employee’s attitude toward his
or her job, employer, and Colleagues. Employee morale as the psychological state
with respect to satisfaction, confidence and resolve; the attitude of an individual or
froup of employees, resulting in courage, devotion and discipline; level of fulfillment
one has with intrinsic work aspects, such as variety and challenge, feedback and
learning. Morale is essentially an in general attitude of an individual or group towards
all aspects of their work like the company, the job, the supervisors, fellow workers,
working conditions to which they must take pride and devote towards their effective
time in business methodology used for this is study is descriptive in nature and
structured questionnaire was used which has been distributed to 100 Employees,
convenience sampling method was used to survey the employee morale. The result
from the study explains that the morale is the psychological factor which results in
positive behavior of the employees and the positive behavior results effective
performance, to drive their organizations to peak performance managers and
supervisors must put out front the human face of their organization.

Employee motivation
Lencho (2020) stated, motivation is significant issues affecting human
behavior and it is not only affecting other cognitive factor like perception and learning
but also affects total performance of an individual in organization setting. Hence this
study was focused on investigate the effect of employee motivation on their job
performance in Fiche General hospital. It also intended to evaluate employee level of
motivational and their level of job performance. In order to meet this objective, the
researcher has used simple random sampling techniques; in collected from 179
employees out of 287, using Likert scale questionnaires. Data was analyzed using
descriptive statistics (mean, and standard deviation) and inferential statistics
(correlation and regression). The result of the descriptive statistics finding indicated
that the employee job performance has been under practiced in Fiche General
Hospital. The results of inferential statistics have revealed that all motivational factors
under study are positively related to employee job performance. According to this
finding the employee empowerment practices is more significantly associated and has
impacts on employee job performance than all motivational factors under study.
Hence, managers of Fiche General Hospital as advised to more empower their
employee in the work place as motivational tool in order to enhance their job

Job satisfaction
According to Alromaihi et. Al (2017), in today's increasing competitive
environment, organizations recognize the internal human element as a fundamental
source of improvement. On one hand, managers are concentrating on employees’
wellbeing, wants, needs, personal goals and desires, to understand the job satisfaction.
And on the other hand, managers take organizational decisions based on the
employees ’performance.

Methods and Procedure

Research Design
The researcher will use the quantitative research approach in gathering
information about the topic presented. The aim of this design is to qualify variables
and measure their effects. Using this, it will help the researchers to gathers the
information of the respondents about this study. According to Lüleci (2018) they use
survey questionnaire in this research aiming the relationship between the morale and
job satisfaction.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers will use survey questionnaire in gathering answer to the
respondents in Bureau of Fire and Protection in San Jose City. The type of
questionnaire that will be use is a likert scale questionnaire this will help to gather the
answer of the respondents more easy and less bias. To the given statement, the
respondents can select one of the four options: Strongly agree ( 4) , Agree (3),
Disagree (2) , and strongly agree (1). The questionnaire is divided into 4 parts. Part I
is the socio demographic profile of the respondents such as their name, age, sex,
education attainment, Part II is employee morale, Part III is employee motivation and
part IV is job satisfaction.

Ethical Consideration
The researchers will make sure that their information is safe, we will give an
oral or written explanation of the purpose of the research, their right to refuse to
participate, and we will also give them a consent form as a proof of their willingness
to cooperate, and that they are not forced to anyway.

Sampling Design
The researchers will be using probability sampling, a type of sampling that
will allow us to have a random selection to the workers in bureau of and protection
in San Jose City to determine the opinion or inference of the workers. Using simple
random sample, the researchers can also use to assure that every workers in the
bureau of fire protection will have an equal chance of being selected to the provided

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will be collecting all the questionaires results and determining
it by making it into two separated groups which either good issues or bad issues. The
researchers will analyze the first group which are the strongly agree and agree
answers for good issues and the other group are strongly disagree and disagree
answers for the bad issues.

Data Analysis
The researchers will be using descriptive, a statistical tool that will allow us to
measure the percent and range of all the questionaires results. Using this tool can give
us the percent, the researchers will analyse the number of the result answers and
compute the percent of good and bad issues and we can measure the results range if it
tells that the answers are in high percent of good or bad issues.

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