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employees’ attitude and perception towards

organisational policies

The study was done primarily using the primary data obtained through the approach of
employee opinion surveys. 180 people were included in the sample size for this study, and the
stratified random sampling method was utilised to choose the samples from the entire
population. The study presents the opinions of the employees regarding all of Alstom Power
Project Industries Ltd.'s human resources functions and identifies three significant
discrepancies between HR practise and the scientific literature in employee attitudes in
general and the study's focus employee attitude, i.e., job satisfaction: How to assess and affect
employee attitudes, employment circumstances, salaries and incentives, interpersonal
relationships, and working conditions. The causes of employee attitudes, the outcomes of
positive or bad job satisfaction, and how to measure and impact employee attitudes.

Key Words: Attitudes, Perceptions and Organisational Policy



 Job Satisfaction is an important output that employees work for Organization.
 It comprises of extrinsic and intrinsic factors and helps to maintain an able and willing
work forces.
 It is an interesting and significant area for conducting research.
 The study made on the topic of Job Satisfaction will reveal the factor of feelings of
 This report is useful to the management of the company to know the satisfaction
levels of employees and they can take measures to increase productivity.
 This report may be useful to the management students for reading, and may be useful
in preparing their report on the job satisfaction" In business concerns, public
organization etc.

According to Robbins' definition from 2003, attitudes are judgements that might be positive
or negative about things, people, or events. As a result, they reflect how someone feels about
a subject. The complimentary comments may have favourable impacts on the object in
question. negative statements may be made about a person or event bring about unfavourable
results. A positive or bad attitude can be either mentality of readiness, education, and
organisation through an encounter that has a particular impact on a person's reaction to other
people, things, and circumstances. The definition of attitude has certain management
implications. Attitudes are first taught. Next, attitudes determine a person's preferences for
specific facets of the world. Third, As an emotional foundation for one's interpersonal
identification with people and relationships. Lastly, attitudes are closed and organised
although some attitudes are steadfast and long-lasting, attitudes can change just like any other
psychological variable (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975).

The degree to which a person feels fulfilled or gratified by their employment is known as
satisfaction. Numerous studies on job satisfaction have shown that personal elements, such as
a person's goals and aspirations, as well as social and organisational factors, such as
connections with coworkers and supervisors, working conditions, work policies, and
compensation, influence this attitude. The term "job satisfaction" refers to a person's overall
attitude towards his or her job. Positive attitudes are held by those who have high levels of
job satisfaction, whereas negative attitudes are held by those who have low levels of job
satisfaction (Robins, 2003).


 To know the employees’ attitude towards the organization.

 To know the employees’ expectations from the organization.
 To study the attitude of the employees towards their work.

Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problems. It is conducted

as studying how research is done systematically. The research adopted the following
methodology for the study.

1.The Research Design Used for the Study

The research is both exploratory and comparative in character. It intends to investigate

customers' attitudes towards internet shopping. The data for this study was gathered using a
direct survey in the form of a Google Form.

2. Size of the Population

A research population is a well-designed group of people or things that share comparable


3.Sample Size

4.Sample Design

A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from the given population. The
respondents are selected based on convenient sampling.

5.Statistical Tools

The data collected through questionnaires were analysed using simple percentage analysis,
graphs, charts, tables, and diagrams.

6. Source of data

For this study, the data were compiled from primary data and secondary data.

6.1 Primary data:

Primary data consists of original information gathered from sample size of 50.

6.2 Secondary data:

Secondary data are those information’s that are already published. For the study the data
collected from secondary sources are.
1) Internet
2) Websites
3) Existing research and scholarly work.

7. Limitations of the study

❖ The study is based upon the Employees attitudes and perception towards Organisation

❖ The data collected for the research is fully on primary data given by the respondents. There
is chance for personal bias.

❖ Due to shortage of time and other constraints, the study has been limited to 50 respondents





Employee attitude refers to the overall set of feelings, beliefs, opinions, and evaluations that
an individual holds about their job, work environment, colleagues, supervisors, and the
organization. Attitudes are not tangible or directly observable; rather, they are internal mental
states that influence how employees think, feel, and behave in their workplace.

1. Job Satisfaction: This refers to the level of contentment an employee feels with their job. It
includes aspects like the nature of the work, work-life balance, compensation, benefits, and
relationships with coworkers and supervisors.

2. Organizational Commitment: This reflects an employee's emotional attachment, loyalty,

and dedication to the organization. Highly committed employees are more likely to stay with
the company, put in extra effort, and contribute positively to its success.

3. Job Involvement: This indicates the degree to which employees are engaged and invested
in their work. High job involvement means that employees are passionate about their tasks
and take personal responsibility for their outcomes.

4. Perceived Organizational Support: This involves an employee's perception of how much

the organization values and supports their well-being, growth, and development.


Employee perception towards the organization refers to how employees interpret and make
sense of various aspects of the company they work for. It encompasses their subjective
understanding, beliefs, and impressions about the organization's values, culture, policies,
leadership, and overall environment. Employee perceptions can significantly influence their
attitudes, behaviours, and overall job satisfaction. Here are some key points related to
employee perceptions towards the organization:

1.Organizational Culture: Employees perceive and interpret the prevailing culture within the
organization. They form opinions about the values, norms, and shared beliefs that shape
interactions and decision-making.
2.Leadership Effectiveness: Employee perceptions of leadership, including top-level
executives and immediate supervisors, play a vital role. Effective leadership is often
associated with positive perceptions of transparency, communication, and decision-making.

3.Communication: How well information flows within the organization and how
transparently it is shared can impact employee perceptions. Clear and open communication is
linked to positive perceptions of management.

4.Fairness and Equity: Employees gauge the fairness of policies, procedures, and decisions,
such as promotions, raises, and recognition. Fairness perceptions affect their motivation,
trust, and commitment.

5.Career Growth Opportunities: Employees' perceptions of career development opportunities

within the organization influence their motivation and commitment. Organizations that are
perceived as investing in employee growth tend to have more engaged workforces.


Organizational policies are the set of rules, guidelines, and procedures that an organization
establishes to guide employee behaviour, ensure consistency, and promote the organization's
values, goals, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations. These policies cover a wide
range of topics and aspects within the workplace. Here's an overview of how organizational
policies interact with and impact employees:

1.Behavioral Expectations: Organizational policies outline the expected behaviour of

employees within the workplace. They provide guidelines on how employees should interact
with each other, customers, and stakeholders. Policies on professionalism, ethics, and conduct
set the tone for employee behaviour.

2.Work Environment: Policies related to the work environment cover aspects such as dress
code, office etiquette, and use of company resources. These policies contribute to creating a
harmonious and productive workplace.

3.Health and Safety: Policies on health and safety outline the measures employees need to
follow to ensure their well-being while at work. They cover topics such as emergency
procedures, safe work practices, and guidelines for handling hazardous materials.
4.Diversity and Inclusion: Organizational policies can promote diversity and inclusion by
providing guidelines on equal opportunity, anti-discrimination, and harassment prevention.
These policies contribute to a respectful and inclusive work environment.

5.Compensation and Benefits: Policies related to compensation, benefits, and perks outline
how employees will be rewarded for their work. These policies cover aspects such as salary
structure, bonuses, leave policies, and retirement plans.






a) 15 to 20
b) 21 to 25
c) 26 to 30
d) Above 30

3.What is Education of Respondents?

a) Below high school

b) High school
c) Graduation
d) Post graduation

4.Which of the following best defines employee attitudes towards organizational


a) Employee behaviours related to policies

b) Employee opinions and feelings about policies

c) Employee knowledge about policies

d) Employee compliance with policies

5.How can positive employee attitudes towards organizational policies impact the

a) Decreased job satisfaction

b) Reduced productivity

c) Improved motivation and engagement

d) Increased conflicts among employees

6.Which factor influences employee perceptions of organizational policies the most?

a) Length of the policy document

b) Alignment with personal beliefs

c) Number of policies in place

d) The timing of policy implementation

7.What role does clear communication play in shaping employee perceptions of policies?

a) It doesn't affect perceptions significantly.

b) It can lead to misinterpretation of policies.

c) It fosters trust and understanding.

d) It increases policy complexity.

8.Why is involving employees in the policy-making process important?

a) It speeds up the policy implementation process.

b) It ensures strict enforcement of policies.

c) It reduces employee compliance.

d) It increases employee ownership and buy-in.

9.How does inconsistency in policy enforcement across the organization impact

employee attitudes?

a) It encourages positive perceptions of fairness.

b) It fosters a sense of trust in management.

c) It leads to perceptions of favouritism.

10.What effect does alignment between organizational policies and values have on
employee perceptions?

a) No effect

b) Positive impact on morale

c) Decreased organizational performance

d) Increased employee turnover

11.What can organizations do to adapt policies to changing employee needs?

a) Keep policies unchanged regardless of needs.

b) Review and update policies regularly.

c) Maintain rigid policies to ensure consistency.

d) Implement policies without employee input.

12.Which of the following statements about training on policies is true?

a) Training is not necessary if policies are clear.

b) Training is only required for managers.

c) Training helps employees understand policies better.

d) Training negatively affects employee morale.

13.Why is continuous feedback important for improving employee perceptions of


a) It encourages employees to break policy rules.

b) It helps identify areas for policy enforcement.

c) It enables organizations to ignore employee concerns.

d) It facilitates policy improvement and adaptation.

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