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Arcadia, Peter and Shasta

Chapter – 1
This narration is about a mystery in the land of
Camelot, where Lucas was the High King. The
population of that land had a belief from ancient
times, that a land named Arcadia (which was half
desert and the other half was filled with brackish
water), about 200 miles away, is filled with
treasure including jewels, gems, and stones that
were recognised by neither middle-class people
nor by high class scientists who are known world-

Here lived a poor boy named Peter whose mother

had passed away immediately after his birth and
his father during war and lives with his only aunt,
Lucy. Aunt Lucy was very strict and curt with
Peter, she loathed him and made him feel
isolated. She barely gave him food and never
allowed him to go out on a walk or to play, make
friends because she thought that friends would
keep Peter engaged and not allow him to do any
chores which would increase her work, she made
Arcadia, Peter and Shasta

him do all chores and after all of this she gave

Peter a rotted old, stinking mattress to sleep on,
which was very uncomfortable and Lucy never
washed the mattress.

Peter had read nearly 50 books related to the

existence of The Land of Arcadia, but never
believed it and thought that those who believed in
it were stupid and dumb. His only desire was to
run away from his aunt and live peaceful life.

A few days later, there was an announcement in

his area. “Prince Shasta is given permission by
King Lucas to go in search of the treasure at
Arcadia, and Prince Shasta wants one boy from
the village to go with him” said the reporters, at
this Peter thought that, this is the only way to get
rid of this bitch, and went to the palace with the
reporters. Peter was stunned at the sight of the
palace. He thought “WOW! Such a magnificent
palace. I wish I could own it.” The palace was
huge, prepossessing and so grand that Peter could
not remove his eyes from it. Peter was spellbound
by the palace’s glory and heritage, he slowly
walked in and saw the King and the Prince. Peter
bowed with his head facing the ground. The
Arcadia, Peter and Shasta

prince was shocked at his sight and requested,”

Father can I have a small conversation with this
boy, please.” The king replied “Sure, my beloved
son.” They both went in. “What is your name?”
questioned the Prince, Peter replied with
hesitation “P-P-Peter, my lord.” Shasta
understood immediately that Peter was scared and
told “Be comfortable, nothing shall happen. Do
you believe in the treasure of Arcadia?” “No, my
lord” replied Peter with a feeling of hatred.
“Then, why do you want to come with me?”
asked Shasta, confused. “To get rid of my aunt,
she is an absolute bitch. She is so rude to me.”
and explained everything to the prince. The
prince could interpret Peter’s situation and agreed
to take Peter with him.

They both went out and Shasta summarized the

whole conversation and requested for Peter’s
company. Lucas thought for a while, as he was
not sure about it and told “I shall send my
reporters to your house and inform you after a
day or two. Tell me your house number” “123,
your majesty.” said Peter.” OK, now, you may
leave.” said Lucas. Peter bowed and returned
home with a sad face and he thought that the king
Arcadia, Peter and Shasta

is indirectly rejecting his request and trying to

fool him because he doesn’t want to make him
sad and sorrowful while leaving his palace as he
thinks it is a sort of curse to him and his heir.

Just then Peter saw his aunt with a broomstick

and a rolling pan standing furiously at the gate.
Peter knew what to do so he handed his hand to
his aunt and she bet him really hard on his hands
and face, after she was satisfied with the
broomstick, she came up with the rolling pan this
was harder on his hand, head and but too, next
was her favourite metal rod which was made of
iron. Peter gave his hand, his forehead, and turned
back and got ready for a hard shot, as his aunt bet
him, he gave a small squeak and at this Lucy’s
anger had no limits and she bet him as hard as she
could. Peter did not say or do anything as he
knew this would happen whenever he made a
small sound or cried while his aunt, Lucy was
beating him. After his aunt was satisfied, she
told” You won’t get food or water for at least 5
days and each mistake done while finishing the
chores shall lead to increase in one day and you
won’t sleep for 10 nights.” and Lucy made a
Arcadia, Peter and Shasta

Peter started with his work with a very irritated

and painful mood, his body was swollen, he
couldn’t open his left eye and his head was full of
bumps. He said” Aa-aa-aaaa” that pains and just
then Lucy shouted “Six days and 11 nights, you
idiot, did you hear that deaf” and Peter replied
“Yes aunt” and could not say a word but follow
what she said. Peter always thought and once
again today” Oh God! What kind of fortune do I
have, please help me God, help me!” and started
crying inside.

Next morning, Peter woke up with a hard shot of

his aunts can and slap. “If you don’t wake up at
3:00 in the morning this is what you will get, now
get up you idiot” said Lucy harshly and kicked
Peter. Peter got up, washed his face and started
with his chores, fist straining the water in a pot,
which took around 10 minutes and Peter heard a
scream from the hall “Make it fast, or else …,”
said his aunt. Then Peter swept and swabbed the
floor and cooked the breakfast. Unfortunately, the
salt seemed less and Lucy screamed ”What
rubbish have you prepared, take it in
Arcadia, Peter and Shasta

immediately!” . Peter cooked once again and

luckily its taste was good. He served the food and
continued with his chores. This continued for
about 3-4 days, chores, beatings, screams, body
pain, canning, all this seemed natural to Peter.

Peter was cleaning the attic when he found a

picture of his parents together and dusted it. He
stared at the picture and inferred that his mother
and aunt looked quite similar, but he did not dare
to ask his aunt about it because he was too scared
to ask her, he thought that he would get futile
beatings. He kept that photo in a drawer next to
his mattress and fell asleep, his aunt woke him up
and said “Hey, did you finish your work?” “Y-Y-
Yes, aunt” said Peter and got up.

He combed his hair and slipped out of the house

while his aunt was in deep sleep. He saw people
trading and bargaining for goods, he went to a
shop where he saw cakes, cup-cakes, cookies,
doughnuts and much more. The food was so
tempting and looked so scrumptious that he
couldn’t stop himself to ask the cost and said
“Madam, may I know the cost of this doughnut
please ?” But the baker was so busy with other
Arcadia, Peter and Shasta

customers that she would barely listen to Peter’s

request. Just then Peter got an idea, “Why not
steal one, I am too small to be noticed” and stole
a doughnut, and it happened as he thought: he
was not caught: He ate it and ran towards his
house, his aunt was still in deep sleep. “Phew”
sighed Peter.

After a few days, Lucy called Peter downstairs

and told “Peter, I am going to my native. I will
return till 28th and today is 24th, take care of the
house and finish your work on time.” and went
out. “Ok, aunt.” said Peter. After an hour or so
there was a knock at the door, “Who is it”
questioned Peter. “The Prince Shasta wants to
visit your house” replied the reporters. Peter
opened the door and welcomed the Shasta with a
bow. “What brings you here, your highness ?”
asked Peter, though he knew the reason. “King
Lucas has agreed for your company and wishes to
start on 29th. Any problem?” replied Shasta.
“Your majesty, there is one problem that is
troubling me, may I state it ?” said Peter, in a
rather formal tone. “Of course, kindly state the
issue.” said Shasta. “Your highness, as you can
see my aunt not at home, she has gone to her
Arcadia, Peter and Shasta

native and will be back by 28th early morning and

I wouldn’t be able to come, so I would like to
request you if we could start on 27th night, so that
I can accompany you.” he replied. “To solve this
problem the only possibility that I can see is to
convince my father, which seems almost
impossible” said Shasta with a wrinkled face.
Both started for the palace. The prince said “I
took only fifteen minutes to reach your house,
then why did it take so long to reach the palace?
The distance is same right, are we taking another
route?”. “No, my lord, it is all the same, just that
it is the peak time for the merchants to earn
money and so they have created a jam” said the
reporters(who were along with Shasta). They
finally reached the palace after thirty minutes.
They went in and saw King Lucas right there
sitting on the chair with a sword, immediately
Peter thought “Oh no, aunt just beats me, in he
going to kill us? No god, I don’t want to die so-”
and was interrupted by Lucas “Welcome back
Peter, did Shasta tell you about his plan, are you
fine with it?”. “Your majesty, there is one
problem in Prince’s plan.” said Peter with a sigh
of relief. “Kindly narrate, dear” said Lucas in a
rather polite manner, his mood seemed good at
Arcadia, Peter and Shasta

that time. “Your highness, prince wishes to start

for the journey on 29th, which is problem because
my aunt has left for her native today and will be
back by 28th, early morning and would not allow
me to go out, so I request you and prince if we
could start on 27th, any time.” said Peter. “Sure
dear, why not” said Lucas “Shasta, do you have
any issue?”. “No father, not at all.” said Shasta.
“Thank you, my lord for your understanding and
cooperation.” said Peter with a smile on his face.
“No problem, dear, and there is no need for
‘thank you’, child.” said Lucas.

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