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Observations (February 19 2024)

Jamie Reyes
Sammuel Rivera
Sarah Reyes
Angel Mae Dizon
Jelomiah Palacio

The picture shows the students listening. They listen to what the coach says and teaches. They gathered to
learn the do’s and don'ts of the pool.

In this picture the coaches are teaching safe ways once you're in the pool. Everything they know they teach.
They were the ones who took care of us when we were just learning how to swim in the pool.
Here, it can be seen that the coaches are reliable and trustworthy because their equipment is complete. They
have rescue equipment in case something happens. They are ready and reliable at all.

This student is our classmate. He was tested on how he would save a person pretending to be drowning using
rescue equipment. But this is not the right way.

This student is not from our section. But the way he saved the drowning man was quite right. He was
also tested to find out how he could save a drowning person

Here in this photo, the coach teaches the correct way to save the drowning person. He showed the right place to
save it from drowning. And how can you save someone without being affected.

This picture shows the preparation of the students. They will do what is called free style. That was taught to us
before but still few of us could not do it

And here, they have done what is called free style. Some of them were not done correctly. So they were taught
In this photo, you can see my classmates. They have done what is called free style. That's why they posed and
took pictures

Here, because few of them made mistakes. They were taught again. And one of the coaches gave an example of
what to do so they know.

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