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Group 2: Affirmative

Should College Students be Required to Wear Uniforms?


Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Distinguished adjudicators, It is my great pleasure to welcome you to this debate from
the side of the Affirmative group.

I am delighted and honored to be able to speak in front of everyone. Today our motion
this statement due to it being beneficial in terms of student DISCIPLINE, EQUALITY,
SAFETY and it even IMPROVES GRADES. These points will be further explained by
our Affirmative speaker #1.


“Our uniform is part of our school identity, uniting our students, and
we hope that they take pride in wearing that” (Bryan Thomas)

Our side strongly agrees with this statement. School is the most important foundation phase of
anyone’s life. A vibrant school uniform adds to the excitement of every school-going child when
he/she put it on. A decent and good-looking school uniform plays a major role in spreading
uniformity, belongingness, and equality among students no matter from which class, section,
religion, region, economic stratum, or country they belong to. (Aamir Bin Usman,

DISCIPLINE: Promoting Positive Behavior

Research shows that when schools implement a uniform policy, it improves grades, while it
reduces tardiness, skipped classes, and suspensions. One study showed that 70% of principals
saw that mandated school uniforms reduced disciplinary problems at their schools.

This research aligns with our belief that uniforms help students make better decisions and form
stronger relationships with each other. The more we’re able to help our students understand the
value of, and create, positive relationships in our community, the less conflict we have to manage
on school grounds.
EQUALITY: Dress Code Equality

When schools required students to wear their clothes to attend school, this creates the need for a
long list of unacceptable clothing variations that staff must check for every day.

Such dress codes are often harsher for girls than for boys, with everything from skirt lengths to
shoulder straps that can be seen under simple observation. Furthermore, enforcing dress code
policies often means sending students to the office for administrators to determine whether
they’ve violated a dress code or not. Not only does this create an atmosphere of distrust within
the school, between students and teachers, but it also wastes a lot of everyone’s time.

Wearing school uniforms avoids a lot of this policing by creating one dress code that’s easy for all
students to follow. Without any possibility of misunderstanding about what is and what isn’t
appropriate, students won’t spend time awaiting decisions about their clothing choices and will be
in the classroom learning instead.

SAFETY: Increases Safety

School uniforms help teachers and school administrators identify who is a student and who isn’t,
even from a distance. This makes it easier for them to keep students safe and away from
unauthorized areas. Likewise, staff and students can soon identify anyone on the school grounds
without a uniform as an outsider or possible intruder by their lack of uniform.

Increased safety is also a reason why school uniforms are good for field trips as well as on-site
learning. Students wearing school uniforms are easier to spot and keep track of among large
crowds, making the chance of a student separating from the class without a teacher noticing very

IMPROVES GRADES: Less Distracting Learning Environment

Looking at what other students are wearing or worrying about what they’re wearing can be a big
distraction for students. And when fashion trends and keeping up with their peers become more
of a priority than paying attention in class, a student’s studies could easily suffer. So by removing
fashion as a distraction, school uniforms help keep students more focused on their work.
Affirmative Speaker 2:


DISCIPLINE: Increases Discipline

Students are less likely to break disciplinary rules when no fashion accessories and fancy clothes
are allowed in the school. The school uniform providers design uniforms which are simple and
elegant which is why all the students look decent and respectable.

Dress for Professional Success

School uniforms encourage students to learn the importance of dressing for success and it
contributes in a positive way to their attitude and behavior in school. As they develop an
association or connection between their uniform and learning, simply putting on their uniform
helps a child get into the right mindset, preparing them for a day of working hard and focusing,
may it be in their school and studies or their future jobs.

EQUALITY: Minimizing Competition and Socioeconomic Differences

In high school and college, fashion, and the high price of designer clothes, can create a perceived
hierarchy among our young women and men. We’re able to minimize this type of competition
through our uniform dress code.

Fashion can be expensive and when students are able to avoid concerns about designer brands
and the cost of what they wear to school, good things happen. They don’t have to figure out how
to fit in with trending fashion choices, so they’re more likely to act as their authentic (real) selves.
This also helps them relate to their fellow students as team or even family members, rather than

Unbiased Teachers

One of the most amazing things about wearing school uniforms is that teachers can never be
biased to one set of students who are dressed well.

SAFETY: Identification of Students

Uniforms give identity to students which is the reason no student can roam around in the streets
during school hours as they would be easily recognizable and won't be questioned for their

Outsiders are Easily Identifiable

When all the students wear the same uniform from the same school wear suppliers, any student
or person entering the school from outside is easily identified.

Identifying Guests on Campus

When students are wearing uniforms in the same colors, it’s easy for the administration and
teaching teams to determine who may be a guest or an intruder on our campus. This manages
both way-finding and potential safety issues.


Uniforms give a sense of confidence to the students as it helps in having a higher opinion about
themselves. Students can identify themselves as students from a good school which boosts their
confidence during presentations.

Saves Time

When students wear uniforms, it helps them in saving a lot of time as they do not have to select
different clothes to wear to school every day. The same uniform has to be worn every day to
school and students just have to take them out and wear them.


Reduced Potential for Bullying

One of the biggest advantages of wearing school uniforms is how it can cut down on this kind of
bullying. While wearing a school uniform creates a sense of community and equality, allowing
children to choose their own school clothes can create divisions and highlight disparities.
Unfortunately, a child’s clothing choices can offer school bullies more motives to make fun of
them, talk about them with other students, or even hurt them in a physical way.

clothes. Students also have to wear the same uniform every day. This means that socioeconomic
differences between students won’t be as obvious as they might be if a child were to wear the
same non-uniform clothes every day.


Safe and Practical

Allowing children free rein over their school clothing choices can also create issues with health
and safety, while their choices might not be the most practical for the weather either.

School uniforms make sure that children dress appropriately, in clothes suited to a day of
learning. A simple school uniform avoids any chance of them tripping over their must-have baggy
jeans, dipping long sleeves in their art project, or freezing in the playground in a skimpy dress.


Unity and Help

As students grow in age and body, their old clothes do not fit anymore and if they study in a
school where they have to wear a uniform, the tight uniforms can be given to younger and poor
students which will help them to save a lot of money every year.

Stops discrimination

There is nothing wrong with college students wearing uniforms. It stops discrimination and makes
fun of students who cannot afford new clothes frequently. There are many students who come
from a marginalized section of society and they would rather utilize what little money they have
for better purposes than buy clothes. Also, clothes cannot measure intellect.

Improves Grades:

Increases Creativity

When students do not have clothes to show their creativity, they show creativity in other things
which increases their knowledge and confidence


Saves Cost for Parents

School uniforms are a lot cheaper as compared to branded clothes which is the reason it saves a
lot of money for the parents.

Wearing school uniforms is a form of tradition for our school and country, so we must not try
to tarnish our proud reputation by creating blunders related to being a uniform-free school. May it
be concerning discipline, equality, safety, or grades.

The rule of wearing uniforms prevents students from creating prejudice against their peers,
prevents school bullying, implements school discipline, and a positive attitude, and prevents loss
of self-confidence. Also, they would rather focus on their academics and grades instead of
making fun of what their peers are wearing or checking out their beautiful and handsome

The Many Benefits of School Uniforms as we have stated, school uniforms are related to a lot of
the different issues and concerns faced by students and their parents today. From reducing
bullying to increasing safety, representing equality, and improving grades, it’s safe to say that
convincing the adjudicators and audience why uniforms are good is an easy task.


Republic Act 10627, or the Anti-Bullying Act (the “Act”), This law finds applicability in school-related
bullying, student-student bullying in particular, which covers those uttered in social media.

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