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Unisite Subdivision, Del Pilar, City of San Fernando 2000, Pampanga, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the
C-Related Learning Experience 121
Intensive Nursing Practicum (Hospital and Community Setting) Subject in Level 4

Submitted by:

Manangan, Eugene B.
BSN 4B-3
2nd Semester

Submitted to:
Mrs. Anna Marie Rhouency V. Sicat, RN, MAN
Mrs. Horacel H. Puno, RN
Clinical Instructor

Mar 14, 2023

Unisite Subdivision, Del Pilar, City of San Fernando 2000, Pampanga, Philippines

Situation: Paula, a 12-month old infant, was brought to the health center for her regular well-baby
check-up. Her mother is concerned with her child’s growth and development. She expressed her desire to
learn more about this concern.

1. The child’s birth weight was 8 lbs. Upon assessment the child now weighs 18 lbs. In documenting this
result, you know that this weight is

A. Appropriate for the child’s age

B. Below the expected weight
C. Above the expected weight
D. Individualized and thus unpredictable

Rationale: The first year of life is one of rapid growth. The birth weight usually doubles by 5 months
and triples by the end of the first year. Option A, C, D are incorrect.
Correct answer: B.

Flagg. (2017). Maternal and child health nursing (8th ed.). Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

2. In planning care for the infant, you should advise the mother that the best way to help her child
complete the development task for the first year is to

A. Respond to her consistently

B. Expose her to many caregivers to help her learn variability
C. Keep her stimulated with many toys
D. Talk to her at a special time each day

Rationale: Consistent responses from caregivers help infants understand their environment and feel
secure. They learn to trust that their needs will be met and this forms the foundation for their future
social and emotional development.
Correct answer: A.
B. While exposing children to many caregivers can provide variability, too much variability can
cause confusion and insecurity in infants.
C. The parents or caretakers do not need a special time to talk to the infant each day. It should be
done with each interaction.
D. Providing too much stimulus before the infant develops gross motor skills causes frustration
from the child and not enjoyment.

Flagg. (2017). Maternal and child health nursing (8th ed.). Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Unisite Subdivision, Del Pilar, City of San Fernando 2000, Pampanga, Philippines

3. You visited one of your family clients, a 26-year old mother whose son died of Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome (SIDS). As you were conversing it is sound for you to

A. Ask how her son was positioned in bed while in the hospital at the time of his death.
B. Allow the mother to cry and talk about her son and related concerns
C. Ask about her other children at home
D. Explain the cause of SIDS

Rationale: In times of grief, it's crucial to provide a safe and supportive space for the person to
express their feelings and thoughts.
Correct answer: B.
A. Asking how her son was positioned in bed while in the hospital at the time of his death could
potentially cause more distress at this stage.
C. Could be a part of the conversation, but it's important to tread lightly and ensure the focus
remains on her feelings about the loss of her son.
D. Explaining the cause of SIDS could be informative, but it's essential to gauge whether the
mother is ready to discuss such details. It's often more helpful to provide emotional support first
before delving into explanations.

Flagg. (2017). Maternal and child health nursing (8th ed.). Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Situation: Nurse Oauie is assigned to the pediatric surgical unit to take care of Bob and

4. Bob, 18 months, was admitted for repair of hypospadias. During assessment, which of the
following will Monique expect to observe?

A. Absence of urethral meatus

B. Termination of the urethra is in the ventral surface of the penis
C. Defect of the urethra on the dorsal surface of the penile shaft
D. Penis has 2 urethral openings located dorsally and ventrally

Rationale: Hypospadias is a birth defect in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside of
the penis instead of at the tip. So, during the assessment of Bob, Monique would expect to observe the
termination of the urethra on the ventral surface of the penis. This condition may also be associated
with a downward curve of the penis and an undeveloped foreskin that gives the penis a hooded
Correct answer: B.
A. Urethral agenesis (or urethral atresia) refers to a situation where there is a congenital absence
of the urethra. It can be a cause of fetal obstructive uropathy.
C. Epispadias, the urethra generally opens on the top or side of the penis rather than the tip.
Unisite Subdivision, Del Pilar, City of San Fernando 2000, Pampanga, Philippines

D. Urethral duplication is a rare disease with diverse clinical symptoms and more common in males,
only fewer than 300 instances have been reported. The UD anatomy is different in males and
females and hence the surgical management.

Flagg. (2017). Maternal and child health nursing (8th ed.). Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

5. Surgery is the treatment of choice for Bob. The nurse understands that the best time for surgery is
before the child:

A. is weaned from diapers

B. is toilet trained
C. goes to school
D. walks

Rationale: Hypospadias can sometimes cause a downward curve of the penis, which can affect
normal urine flow. Correcting this before the child starts toilet training can make the process easier and
more comfortable for the child.
Correct answer: B.

Flagg. (2017). Maternal and child health nursing (8th ed.). Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

6. During the initial assessment, which major manifestation should the nurse note in children with

A. Testes are retracted into the inguinal ring,

B. Absence of one or both testes in the scrotum
C. Enlarged one or both testes
D. Testes are palpable in the abdomen

Rationale: During the initial assessment, the major manifestation that the nurse should note in
children with cryptorchidism is the absence of one or both testes in the scrotum. In cryptorchidism, the
testes fail to descend into the scrotum and remain in the abdomen or along the path of descent. As a
result, the scrotum may appear empty or underdeveloped.
Correct answer: B.
A. Retractile testes (hypermobile testes) are descended testes that easily move back and forth
between the scrotum and the inguinal canal. The testes retract as a reflex response to touch,
temperature, fear, or laughter. Such a response is common, particularly in infants and children.
C. Orchitis inflammation of one or both testicles. Bacterial or viral infections can cause orchitis, or
the cause can be unknown. Orchitis is most often the result of a bacterial infection, such as a
sexually transmitted infection (STI). In some cases, the mumps virus can cause orchitis.
Unisite Subdivision, Del Pilar, City of San Fernando 2000, Pampanga, Philippines

D. Undescended testicle. It's also known as cryptorchidism. Most often, it's just one testicle that
doesn't descend into the scrotum, which is the bag of skin that hangs below the penis.

Flagg. (2017). Maternal and child health nursing (8th ed.). Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

7. The mother tells the nurse that her 8-year-old child is continually telling jokes and riddles to the point
of driving the other family members crazy. The nurse explains that this behavior is a sign of which of the

A. Inadequate parental attention.

B. Mastery of Language ambiguities
C. Inappropriate peer influence
D. Excessive television watching

Rationale: At this age, children are developing their language skills and exploring the use of humor
and wordplay. Engaging in jokes and riddles allows them to experiment with language, understand
different meanings, and exercise their cognitive abilities.
Correct answer: B.
Option A, C, D are not directly related to the behavior described in the scenario.

Flagg. (2017). Maternal and child health nursing (8th ed.). Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Situation: On her duty to the rural health center, Jean, a student nurse assist the doctor on duty in
examination of children. Aaron, a two year old, is hyperactive, negativistic and exhibit tantrums and
mother verbalize that she has difficulty in caring for Aaron. She asks Jean what she can do for him. Jean
then reviewed Aaron’s stage of development and considered this in taking care of him and in providing
health education for Aaron’s mother.

8. Jean reviewed Kohlberg’s theory of development. According to the theorist, toddlers:

A. Do the right thing because their parent tells him or her to and to avoid punishment
B. Have moral judgments that are based on universal human rights
C. Act base on their value, care and loyalty to others
D. Judge based on understanding and social order

Rationale: During the toddler stage, children are typically in the pre-conventional stage of moral
development. At this stage, their moral judgments are primarily driven by obedience and avoiding
punishment. They may also consider their own needs and desires.

However, it is important to note that Kohlberg's theory primarily focuses on moral reasoning and may
not fully capture the complexities of moral development in young children. Other factors such as
empathy, socialization, and cultural influences also play a significant role in shaping a toddler's behavior
and moral understanding.
Unisite Subdivision, Del Pilar, City of San Fernando 2000, Pampanga, Philippines

Correct answer: A.
B. Pertains to post-conventional stage. When people decide based on what they think is right
rather than just following the rules of society
C. and D. Pertains to conventional stage. Where toddlers judge based on their understanding of
social order. As children grow and develop, their moral reasoning and judgments become more
sophisticated, encompassing a broader perspective of fairness, justice, and societal norms.

Flagg. (2017). Maternal and child health nursing (8th ed.). Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

9. A 12-year-old girl had a ventro-peritoneal shunt placed to treat hydrocephalus in infancy. In

counseling the child about health management of the ventro-peritoneal shunt, the nurse would
consider the teaching effective if the child states:
A. “I should drink plenty of fluids and stay rested.”
B. “I may need to wear glasses as a teenager.”
C. “I can take prochlorperazine (Compazine) for vomiting.”
D. “If I get a really hard headache, I should call the doctor.”

Rationale: This is because a severe headache could be a sign of a shunt malfunction or increased
intracranial pressure, and it's important for the child to know when to seek medical attention.
Correct answer: D.

Flagg. (2017). Maternal and child health nursing (8th ed.). Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

10. A mother is concerned about her 9 year old child’s compulsion for collecting things. The nurse’s
explanation is based on the understanding that this behavior is related to the cognitive ability to perform
which of the following?
A. Concrete Operations
B. Formal Operations
C. Coordination of Secondary Schemata
D. Tertiary Circular Reactions

Rationale: Concrete Operations is a stage of cognitive development in Piaget's theory, typically

occurring between the ages of 7 and 11. During this stage, children develop the ability to think logically
and perform mental operations on concrete objects or events. They start to understand concepts like
conservation, classification, and seriation.
Correct answer: A.
Unisite Subdivision, Del Pilar, City of San Fernando 2000, Pampanga, Philippines

B. Formal operational (12 years to adulthood) During the formal operation stage, people can think
increasingly abstractly. They can reason, consider multiple viewpoints, and become concerned
about things beyond themselves, such as social justice and morality.
C. Coordinating secondary schemes is a phase in Piaget's sensorimotor stage, typically occurring
between 8 to 12 months of age. In this stage, infants begin to combine and coordinate separate
actions into more complex sequences, marking the start of intentional and goal-directed behavior.
D. During this substage, infants engage in experimental interactions with their environment
through trial-and-error behaviors.

Flagg. (2017). Maternal and child health nursing (8th ed.). Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

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