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Nations Decisions

Pros: Thousands of new, well-paid jobs in engineering and technical fields

will be created in the district.
• Cons: The use of federal funds for expensive airplanes might be
Interests of
te district
viewed as wasteful by some constituents.
National Interests:
• Pros: Modernization of national defense, making the country's
military stronger.
• Cons: The cost of the airplanes may raise concerns about fiscal
responsibility, and there might be alternative uses for the funds.
Political Party Interests:
• Pros: Aligning with the party's stance against the program,
emphasizing fiscal responsibility.
• Cons: Voting against a project that brings significant economic
benefits to the district.
Member's Own Principles:
• Pros: Sticking to the party's principles of fiscal responsibility and
opposing what is perceived as wasteful spending.
• Cons: Balancing personal principles with the potential positive
impact on the district's economy.
B. Explain how you would vote in that situation and why:
Considering the conflicting interests, I would likely vote against the
proposal to build the new airplanes. While acknowledging the potential
benefits to the district in terms of job creation, my decision would be
driven by the alignment with the principles of my political party, which
opposes the program as a waste of money. Additionally, concerns about
fiscal responsibility and the availability of alternative uses for the funds
would guide my decision. It's a challenging decision, but maintaining
consistency with the party's stance on fiscal matters would be a key factor
in my vote.
C. Explain whether and in what ways each congressperson is acting as a
delegate or as a trustee in making the decision about how to vote:
• Delegate Role: A congressperson acting as a delegate would
prioritize representing the direct interests and preferences of their
constituents. In this scenario, supporting the airplane project for the job
creation it brings to the district would be a more delegate-oriented
• Trustee Role: A congressperson acting as a trustee would exercise
their own judgment and adhere to their party's principles, even if it might
conflict with the immediate preferences of their constituents. In this case,
voting against the program due to fiscal concerns aligns with a trustee-
oriented approach, prioritizing broader principles over local interests.

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