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Answer sheet unit test 2

Subject: English class:XI Total Marks: 25

Q.1)Read the Extract and complete the activities given below:
(A) A1) Global Understanding:
1) The words related to agriculture are:
1. foliage of moong
2. pods
3. crop
4. land
5. farming
6. plant
7. sow
8. season
9. seeds
2)The writer disagreed with Moru Dada because –
The writer disagreed with Moru Dada because he suggested the use of some
pesticides on the plants. The author was absolutely clear in his mind not to use
any chemical which will be harmful for the soil, the plants and ultimately for
human health. But for Moru Dada and his friends who were used to the
conventional farming, this decision of the author was unthinkable.
A2) Complex factual:

A3) Interpretation/analysis:
“I was grateful to have taken Moru’s advice”
Answer: The author was not sure about planting moong in that season as he
wanted to get familiar with the process of farming. But Moru Dada insisted that
the season was right for planting moong seeds. He was right and the author was
thankful for listening to his advice since he had a good harvest of moong.
A4)personal Response:

A5)language study: do as directed 1) The author thought that he would have

some time for farming.
(Rewrite using the Infinitive of the underlined gerund)
The author thought that he would have some time to farm.
2) Kasbai is a traditional long grained rice variety.(add a question tag.)
The author thought that he would have some time to farm.

A6) vocabulary:
Interview / Film review
Q.2 (A)Read the following extract and do the activities given below:
A1) The struggle of the cherry tree for survival.
(a) “It was very small, five months child,
Lost in the small grass, running wild”.
(b) “But cherries have a way of growing,
Though no one’s caring very much or knowing”.
(c) “Goats ate the leaves, the grass cutter scyth0e
Split it apart and a monsoon blight
Shrivelled the slender stem…Even so,”
All these dangers were handled by the plant boldly since it had the urge to live.
(d) “The young tree struggle, upward thrust
Its arms in a fresh fierce lust
For light and air and sun”
The young tree refused to accept defeat and continued its struggle for survival in
order to get the basic necessities of light, air and sun needed for its growth.

A2) (i) “Must have a tree of my own” I said.

The poet just wanted to be the sole owner of a tree and just with this simple
thought in his mind he sowed the cherry seed. It is just a passing idea of his mind
which he easily forgot. But the cherry seed had the potential to grow in spite of
not having proper care and lots of threats on its onward journey in life. It was a
winner all the way to grow into a magnificent fruit-bearing tree as it was
dedicated to fight the odds.
A4) I) “Shrivelled the slender stem…”
Ans: Alliteration: sound of ‘s’ is repeated.
II) “A tree had come to stay”
Ans: Personification:
The tree has been personified by giving it the human quality of coming to stay.


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