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Exploring Mutual Funds in Nepal

Introduction of the interviewees

1. Introduction to Mutual Funds:

- What is a mutual fund, and how does it operate? Who are the key participants in a mutual
fund (e.g., fund manager, investors, trustees)?

2. Types of Mutual Funds:

- In the context of Nepal, what are the different types of mutual funds available (e.g., equity
funds, bond funds, index funds, sector funds)?
-What is the minimum investment amount required to start investing in a mutual fund in

3. Investment Strategies and Objectives:

- What factors should investors consider when selecting a mutual fund that aligns with their
investment goals and risk tolerance?

4. Performance Evaluation:
- How is the performance of a mutual fund evaluated, and what metrics are commonly used
(e.g., annualized return, expense ratio, Sharpe ratio) if any, in the context of Nepal?

5. Costs and Fees:

- What are the typical costs associated with investing in mutual funds (e.g., management fees,
expense ratios, sales loads)?
-What are some tax-efficient investing strategies investors can implement when investing in
mutual funds?

6. Regulatory Environment:
- How are mutual funds regulated, and what role do regulatory bodies like the Securities Board
of Nepal (SEBON) play in overseeing them? What are some recent regulatory developments or
changes affecting mutual funds?

7. Risks and Considerations:

- What are some of the risks associated with investing in mutual funds, and how can investors
mitigate them? How do political instability, currency fluctuations, and other risks impact the
performance of emerging market mutual funds?

8. Role in Portfolio Diversification:

- How do mutual funds contribute to portfolio diversification, and why is diversification
important for investors?
-How should investors balance their allocations between stocks, bonds, and other asset

9. Liquidity
-How liquid are mutual fund investments in Nepal? Can investors easily buy and sell units, or
are there restrictions or waiting periods?

10. Mergers and Acquisitions:

-How are corporate actions, such as mergers, acquisitions, or stock splits, handled in mutual
funds in Nepal? How do these actions affect investors' holdings and returns?

10. Market :
-How have mutual funds in Nepal performed during periods of market volatility or economic
downturns? Has it demonstrated resilience and preserved capital during turbulent times?
- If you have to compare the mutual funds market in Nepal with international? How
underdeveloped or developed is it?
- If you had to suggest anyone to invest in a mutual fund, which mutual fund would you ask
them to invest in, in the context of Nepal and why?

11. Dividends and Distributions:

- How are dividends handled in the context of mutual funds?

12. Outlook and Future Directions:

- What do you see as the future of mutual funds, and how do you anticipate the industry
evolving in the coming years?

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