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3 Solutions

This party shows how I overcome the challenges faced during in the apprenticeship program at
the host organization of Arusha city council like follow,

3.3.1 To make huge preparation to Apprentices, the institution should provide various training
to apprentice so that they have enough understanding and know what they are supposed to do
when they arrive at the relevant organization. So planning apprentice is the responsibility of the
institution to be able to make this training in the best possible order.

3.3.2 To improve the full guidance delivery to Apprentices, also another solution where the
institution is required to coordinate the entire apprenticeship training activities from the
beginning to the end of this training by providing complete guidance to the apprentice as well as
to the host organizations that students will be able to conduct their training. Due to this i expect
Institution brings huge assistance on that so as to ensure the apprenticeship training this time
done better.

3.3.3 To provide better ways to simplify the apprenticeship, among the factors that led to the
many challenges in the implementation of our apprenticeship training, including the lack of
effective methods that would enable apprentices to streamline our training, so I urge my
institution to create a better way to make this training easier in implementation.

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