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P IAS Sc ho o l & Co lle g e o f Sc ie nc e Khurrianwala

Opposite to MCB Bank, Faisalabad Road, Khurrianwala

Mobile / Tel: 0309-8490351 0309-8490352 0309-8490355

Pak s tudy 9 th C h # 1
N am e : __________________ Ro ll N o : ________ Dat e : _______________ O b t aine d M arks : ______________
C las s : Nine S ub je c t N am e : Pak Study 9 T im e Allo we d : 1 hr : 10 min T o t al M arks : 0

Q u e s t i o ns : Wr i t e s ho r t a ns w e r s t o t he s e q u e s t i o ns 20 x 0 = 0
1. Write down the meaning of Ideology.
2. Explain the condition of justice and equity before and after the advent of Islam?
3. Name the two movement of the Hindus.
4. What did Rasool (PBUH) say about human right at the establishment of Islamic government in Madina?
5. What did Quaid-e-Azam say when he inaugurated the State Bank of Pakistan on July 1, 1948?
6. What is the importance of the rule of law and the rulers in the law of Islam?
7. Who were hindering the strong internations of Quaid-e-Azam and all India Muslim league?
8. What do you know about Pandit Dayanand Saraswati?
9. Write down four Pillars of Islam.
10. What are the elements of national reconstruction?
11. What did Sir Syed Ahmad Khan say about the two-nation theory in 1867?
12. Write down briefly about common religion.
13. When and why Sir Syed Ahmad Khan reshaped the two-nation theory?
14. Who declared the Muslims as separate nation for the first time? Explain.
15. Write down briefly about common political objectives.
16. Explain the term Ideology.
17. Write the name of two Hindu Movements in the sub-continent in 19th century.
18. Write any one verse of Allama Iqbal about Islamic equality.
19. What are the elements of ideology of Pakistan? Name them.
20. What did Allama Iqbal say about religious basis?
P IAS Sc ho o l & Co lle g e o f Sc ie nc e Khurrianwala
Opposite to MCB Bank, Faisalabad Road, Khurrianwala
Mobile / Tel: 0309-8490351 0309-8490352 0309-8490355

Pak s tudy 9 th C h # 1
N am e : __________________ Ro ll N o : ________ Dat e : _______________ O b t aine d M arks : ______________
C las s : Nine S ub je c t N am e : Pak Study 9 T im e Allo we d : 1 hr : 10 min T o t al M arks : 0

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