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4 UNIVERSITY OF hs | _ KWAZULU-NATAL Nw ————~ YAKWAZULU-NATALI EDUCATION STUDIES 411 Philosophy of Education Who should control education? Ue geht aN) 1. State or Government control of education * The idea of government control of education is informed by Plato’s (Greek Philosopher) ideas on knowledge and education. + He viewed knowledge as light and ignorance as darkness. * Those who have not been drawn out of darkness should not be allowed to lead others - what are your thoughts on this? + He argued for a well-ordered society with a division of labour between rulers, soldiers, and labourers. (Functionalism). + The purpose of education is to bring about harmony in society. Who can control education to bring about this harmony? Plato’s Allegory of the Cave... UKZN INSPIRING GREATNESS What are the symbols in the allegory of the cave? The cave represents people who believe that knowledge comes from what we see and hear in the world - empirical evidence. The cave shows that believers of empirical knowledge are trapped in a ‘cave’ of misunderstanding. The shadows represent the perceptions of those who believe empirical evidence ensures knowledge- shadows of the truth. The escaped prisoner represents the Philosopher, who seeks knowledge outside the cave and the senses. The philosopher who does not at first understand reality will eventually be killed for his beliefs. The sun/light represents philosophical truth and knowledge The prisoners who are released: These captives are saved from ignorance. The prisoners become free only when they become free of chains, forced into the light, and accept what things have become and as they truly are, rather than what they had perceived them as - shadows on a wall. The prisoners: The prisoners represent an ignorant, unenlightened, and narrow society. This would comprise those who have not yet understood the meaning of life. The prisoner's chains: The chains are symbolic of limitations that pull us away from the truth, The shadows in the cave: The cave shadows are ambiguous and unclear, distorted without any true form. Plato successfully utilizes the shadows to demonstrate those who cannot see an accurate, clear reality. The fire: The fire is the sun to the prisoners - the foundation of misinterpretation and ambiguity. Fire represents many things - media, society, social media, The one who releases the prisoners: The saviour is the educator and master of Philosophy, perhaps Plato/Socrates himself. eee as Plato’s arguements for the state control of education; Rulers/ State have a better understanding of what each group in society requires — it can be a harmonising force. State due to its nature is likely to choose a form of education that is morally good for the maintenance of its social systems. The state tries to work for the greater wisdom and good of its citizens to avoid loosing authority. Do you agree with Plato on state-controlled education- why? Should parents be involved in the School Governing 2. Parental control of education The idea draws from the ideas of John Locke (English Philosopher) on the state of human beings or state of nature State of nature centres on the belief on God State of nature is a state of perfect/absolute freedom. The state of nature is also a state of equality. Education for Locke, is seen an attempt to achieve some level of “equal opportunity” in society- how? Economic and social inequality exists in society (eg rich/poor; white/Black) for Locke, education can be seen as an equalizer. We are born infants, weak, fragile and helpless also without knowledge and understanding -empty slates. Parents have the obligation to preserve, nourish and educate their children. Locke argues that parents have a natural right and obligation to raise their children. For Locke all education authority should be in the hands of parents Parents have the ultimate power on their child's education Parental control and South African Schooling System * The South African Schools Act (Act No. 84 of 1996) stipulates that it is compulsory for children to attend school from the ages of 7-15 or the 9th Grade. However the law states it is the responsibility of the parents to apply to the education department for their the child to receive education at home. While Locke gives parents a mandate to educate their children as they see fit, the SA government clearly states that there must be sound reasons for those who want to home school their children. 3. Community Control * The idea of community control is found in African Traditional or Indigenous Education in which community plays a central role. * Education means to bring up, to direct or guide * Education is therefore a slow and skilful process of extracting the potential of people to reach a certain level of understanding. The key principles of African community education CF FF Preparationism — preparing for future roles Functionalism — people learn through imitation, initiation, ceremonies, oral tradition (participatory) — prepares us to be members of communities Communalism - the spirit of community — living together, sharing possessions and responsibilities Perennialism — education as a means of maintaining and preserving culture Wholisticism — promoting multiple skills essential for a person’s upbringing.

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