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Top tips for fussy pups

Helpful ways to introduce Butternut to your dog.

Exercise before meals
Try feeding a meal after your daily walks so that
your dog will have worked up an appetite, and
knows when to expect their food.

02 Make sure they’re hungry

It might seem obvious, but when feeding their new
food for the first time, make sure it’s when your
pup is actually hungry.

Bonus tips
Serve their new food on a new plate or bowl.
Wash their dish with unscented detergent.
Feed your pup in a new location, making
sure that they feel calm and comfortable

03 Eliminate treats
Initially, resist feeding treats between meals (or
only feed 1-2 within the first 30 minutes after a
meal). This will help your dog to build up an appe-
tite for their food.

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04 Slowly does it
When introducing their new Butternut meals, make
sure you transition them slowly. To start, mix their
previous food with a bit of Butternut. Then, slowly
increase the amount of Butternut each day.
Extra tip: If your pup refuses to eat their previous
food, don’t worry about transitioning, and simply
feed one of our lower fat recipes instead.

05 The 20 minute rule

Put down their food and leave for 20 minutes. If
your dog still isn’t interested, pick it up and try
again later. Repeat until they eat. Dogs generally
prefer to eat later in the day, so try serving up after

06 Don’t rush it
Introduce new foods bit by bit into their diet, so
they don’t get bored of the new dishes too quick-
ly. It can take time to get used to new recipes, so
don’t be discouraged if they don’t dig in straight
away - try a few times before switching it up again.

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