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Kan Det vara så att man klämmer in en scen efter vardagsrummet.

och Grfeg splittar up för att Johnny måste vila och Johnny lurar dit

Scene 1: Gregs Room

The room is dark and a man is lying face up on stage. A projection starts
along with pulsing, oppressive music. THe man starts mumbling ”NO” in his
sleep. As the music builds and the visuals itensify the man starts
screaming.THe visuals shows a faceless entity. Suddenly the projection
switches, the music stops and a phone starts rining. Greg gets up.
DEn ansiktslöse står över Greg

*The Phone rings. Greg wakes and picks up the phone.

Gregor: Hello. Who is this?

Mother: Gregor?

G: Mom?

M: Oh, Gregor.

G: What’s happening mom?

M: *Whimpers

G: Tell me what’s happening.

M: I… I…

G: Where are you?

M: I don’t know…

G: Just stay where you are, okay? I’m calling the police.

* Greg finishes the call and dials 999

* Greg tries calling the police ( three beeps for 999)

Johnny: The police can’t help her Greg.

* Greg startles, gets up and backs away.

G: Who are you? What are you doing in my apartement?

J: I can help you Greg.

G: You need to get out of here now or I’m calling the police.

J: They won’t be able to help us Greg.

*Johnny approaches Greg.

G: Stay the fuck away from me. Who are you?

J: Don’t you recognize me, Greg?

G: Johnny? Is that you?

J: Didn’t think I could talk now did you, Greg?

G: You used to be smaller…

J: That’s right Greg! Lot’s of berry juice makes any bear big and strong.

G: I haven’t seen you for a while… What have you been up to?

J: Thank you for asking Greg. After many years in the basement with your
other toys I thought you forgot about me. I went away for a while. To
another place. Had lots of berry juice.

G: Huh, sounds… Nice. I’m sorry for the basement. I mostly draw nowadays.

J: I forgive you, Greg.

G: YOu said you could help me with my mom. Do you know where she is?

J: I’m sorry, but she’s been taken Greg.

G: Taken?

J: Yes Greg. To apartement 49. By… By a…

G: ”By a” what?

J: It doesn’t have a face Greg… It needs a face and it won’t stop until…

G: Say it! Spit it out for fuck sake.

* Silence

G: Fine. Where is this apartement you’re talking about?

J: It’s there Greg. Just through that wall.

G: I’m sorry but I think you got this wrong. There’s nothing behind there
except London.more specific place strawberry6 ave berry vale (introducera

J: I’ll show you Greg.

* Johnny Beckons - Greg takes his hand and they exit

(( ca. 5:30 - 5:30 ))

Scene 1b: Transition

* Johnny and Greg off stage - Pre recorded in speaker. Musical transition
refelcting Gregs descent into apartement 49

G: Mom! Mom!

J: Shhhh! Don’t shout Greg.

G: How am I supposed to find her then?

J: Searching . Stillness. Silence. This place is like the ocean, see? And
your mother is a bubble. A bubble coming out of the ocean. Bubbly bubbly
bubbly boo. If you want to see her you can’t make any waves. No storms,
please. No high winds. Because down here the air sleeps but never lies.
It has it’s own dreams. The rooms are it’s children and they love games.

Scene 2:In the kitchen

* Greg and Johnny emerge from a door. A letter is lying on a table in the
middle of the room.

G: This is the kitchen. Our kitchen. Before she got sick mom would be in
here all the time.

J: But GReg. It’s not your kitchen. It just looks like it.

G: It doesnt just look like it. Everythings the same. Apart from…

J: A letter? Greg, don’t open it. It could be a trap.

G: It’s open already. But adressed to me…

* He checks inside but finds nothing

G: Empty… What was it doing there?

J: It must be from your mother Greg.

G: But why is it open then?

J: Perhaps someone got here before us Greg.

G: It doesn’t look like her handwriting, but I guess it’s possible.

J: She loves you very much Greg.

G: Does she?

*He puts the envelope in his pocket.

G: You speak like you know her.

J: But I do Greg.

I was fresh out of the factory. Just a happy little bear. Brothers and
sisters all around, but then… They lifted me up, shoved me in a cardboard
box, tied me up with plastic string. I couldn’t move Greg. I couldn’t
breathe. Months and months spent like that looking through a plastic
window at the prison everyone calls toystore.
When your mother finally took me down from that shelf I thought she an
angel carrying me to heaven.When I finally understood freedom was coming
eventhe darkness of wrapping paper felt like berry juice to my soul.

G: I remember. It wasn’t my birthday or anything, but there it was ;

wrapped in white with a red ribbon.

J: When your small hands set me free, the only thing I could do was not
Ever since that day, Greg, I’ve been in moms debt. I owe her my life. In
that sense she’s my mother too, and that makes you my brother.

G: Perhaps I should called you something else then. Your named after my
dad. It was mom’s idea.

J: She’s spoken a lot about him. How nice he was. How much he liked to

* Greg laughs

G: I don’t know about the first, but he was a real artist.

J: Is that his painting on the wall?

G: I wish. No, that’s mine.
It was raining that day. Mom gave me some money to buy flowers at the
corner store. Knowing her I got some red ones. Cheap of course but that
didn’t matter. The rain made them smell even better. When I got home put
the flowers in a vase. I helped mom to the table and we had cofee and
talked and laughed and then I got out my sketchbook. I spent the whole
evening drawing image after image.

J: It’s a good drawing Greg.

G:Thanks, but not good enough. I applied to art school but I never heard

J: I’m so sorry, Greg.

G: That’s alright. Besides, who would have taken care of mom if I was

* The phone rings

G: Mom?

Mother: Gregor?

G: Oh god. I thought you might be…

M: Oh, Gregor.

G: Me and Johnny are on our way. We’ll find you soon.

M: *Whimpers

G: In the meantime you have to hide, okay? There is something here.

Johnny told me. It takes peoples faces…

M: I… I…

*The call ends

G: Mom? Mom? Fuck.

J: What did she say Greg?

G: Nothing much that made any sense, but at least she’s alive.

J: I agree it could be worse Greg, but time is short. We need to find her
soon, before IT does.

G: You’re right. So what do we do?

J: I think we need to split up.

G: What? Are you crazy?

J: IT is slow Greg. IT cannot run. But your mother. She’s ill GReg.

G: You’re right. She can barely walk nowadays. Anything faster than a
turtle would be able to outrun her.

J: Good choice GReg. I’ll go this way and you go that way.

Scene IIb: Transition

Maybe Greg stays behind

*REflections -GReg: Through speakers

*Musical transition - wierd and quirky in line with Gregs confusion at

being alone in the house

Scene III: Living room

* Greg enters alone

G: The living room. Mom would spend hours here, or there I mean. The TV
was on all the time. She couldn’t do much else. Said the medication made
her tired. The room looks clean. Almost as if someone’s been in here
before me. IT’s been cleaned up somehow, I don’t know why.

* Greg finds a remote. He presses it and a film starts.

G: Mom.

The film is a happy family movie, but the movie freezes in a frame which
is repeated. Then everything is turned off and Greg are left in darkness.

Greg: Who’s there? Johnny?

*Greg hides

* The entity comes in and walks to the middle of the stage with long
quick strides, knife in hand. It stops, looks around as if searcing and
then puts down the knife. The entity then exits and the light comes on.
*Greg emerges from his hiding place and sees the knife left behind by the
entity. He picks it up turning it over in his hand.

*Johnny comes in through a door

J: MoM! Mom! Have you…

G: I thought you weren’t supposed to shout in this place

J: I’m sorry Greg. I forget sometimes. I didn’t find mom, but I found
some berry juice. Is something wrong?

G: IT was here. It was here just now. Left this behind.

*Greg holds up the hunting knife

J: Oh god, Greg. I’m so sorry.

G: Dad’s old hunting knife… After everything he did she still kept it.

* Johnny hands the bottle of berry juice to Greg who takes a swig and

J: But how did that get here Greg?

*Johnny points to the knife

G: I think I know. It wasn’t enough for that pig leave his wife and son.
Now he’s come back to finish what he started.

* Greg sniffs the bottle and drinks again

J: But Greg… You mean? YOur dad?

* Greg hands back the bottle to Johnny

G: He’s never been my father. But everything he’s done I’ll give back to
him, or whatever he has become.

*Greg looks at the kife one last time and sticks it in his belt. They

Scene IIIb

G: That berry juice of yours tasted fowl.

*Johnny laughs
J: It will make you big and strong like me Greg.

G: If he’s done something to her I swear I’ll kill him.

J: That serves him just right Greg.

*Musical Transition - Violent music in line with Gregs anger and


((Ca. 16:30 - 7:00))

Scene IV: Mom’s Room

* Greg and Johnny emerge from a door. Greg astonished

G: Moms room. I was never allowed to go in here. Bad days I’d leave food
and medicine by the door. I always pictured it being a dump. Old viles
and pill -bottles everywhere, smelling of rotting dreams, but this place
smells like perfume. If there’s any clues to where he’s taken her, I feel
like they’ll be in here.

*Greg sees a bin filled with crumpled paper. He picks up unfolds and
discards a few until he finds a letter and starts to read.

G: Dear Gregory Simpson, We are delighted to inform you that you have
been offered a place… BA in fine arts… Full Scholarship… Accomodation
But I thought…They never got back to me…

* Greg pulls up the envelope from his pocket

G: What? Did she hide it from me.

J: Greg, mom loves you. She would never do something like that.

G: No, you’re right.It must have been a mistake.Mom must have opened it
thinking it was something else… and then… Then… Then she simply forgot
about it. Ye, that’s it. She forgot about the letter and then she
accidently threw it away, thinking it was just garbage…

J: That could be so Greg, but I think it wasn’t even her. Think about it
Greg. Your father probably knows. He wants you to stop searching, so he
made it look like this so you would be angry with mom and leave her here.
G: Of course. God,Johnny, you’re so clear headed! He’s playing games with
me. I’m letting him play games with me.

* Greg starts tearing through the bin’s contents

G: Mom’s medication. She’ll die without it. That fucker threw it away and
hid it all here. Make her son leave and her illness will get her if he
doesn’t. Maybe it’s already too late.

J: It’s never too late Greg.

G: No, you’re right.

J: Here Greg. You need some energy.

* Johnny hands Greg the bottle of berry juice. Greg hesitates.

G: I don’t know. I’m not feeling too good.

J: Remember your mother GReg. YOu need the strength to find her.

* Greg takes a swig and then looks at the bottle

G: What is this?

*Greg vomits in the bin and then collapses on the floor.

J: It’s berry juice Greg.

*Johnny takes a swig

J: Just sweet sweet berry juice.

J: I’m sorry Greg, but it looks like your allergic. Come to think of it,
all humans are. But don’t be afraid. It’s just momentary. Hopefully just
enough time for me to do my work.

* He takes the knife from Greg

J: I’m very sorry Greg, but I’ve been a naughty bear. I tricked you. I
said the faceless one was your father. But I joking! Hihi!
It’s not a man at all. And I have to give it something. A face GReg.
Your face.
Now don’t panic, you won’t be able to move anyways and I’ll just cut cut
cut cut cut and then… A little rip! Just like you rip the hull of
strawberry. I’ll get your face and save mum and rest will make for some
fine berry juice. Are you ready Greg? Oh, right you can’t speak.
*JOhnny raises the knife, ready to cut Gregs face off, when he freezes.
The entity emerges and takes the knife from Johnny.

J: I see… You need to do it yourself.

* THe entity stabs Johnny and then drags him off stage. A few moments
after GReg regains conciousness

G: Johnny? Mom? Mom?

* Greg exits

Scene IVb: Transition

* Greg runs around calling for his mother. She answers with the recorded

((Ca 24:30- 8:00))

Scene V: Greg’s room

Greg: Thank god.

M: Gregor, is that you?

G: yes yes of course…

* Greg freezes and listens as the recording repeats several times

M: It was never actually her… It was just…

* Suddenly the recordings stops. The light switches and the entity
emerges from a door. Greg tries the back door but finds himself
cornered. He takes out the knife.

G: Stop right there or I swear I’ll cut you to pieces.

* The entity continues towards Greg. He drops the knife in fear. The
entity stops.

The entity (Mother): Hello Greg.

* silence

M: It’s me. It’s mom.

G: You’re not my mother.

M: Yes, I am. It’s the real me. This is what I always looked like. You
just never wanted to see.
I made this place myself. It’s our new apartement Greg.

G: What do you mean?

M: I had to get you here somehow. To a safe place. I knew you’d come if
you thought I was in danger. That was the only way.

G: So you lied?

M: I did what I had to do to save you. I had to become sick, not so you
could look after me, but so I could look after you. It worked for a
couple of years. But then you got that letter from the art school. You’d
gone behind my back. You were loosing your grasp. I knew that throwing
the letter away would only be temporary and that I had to stop you form
destroying yourself. I had to save you.

G: Save me? From what?

M: The world Greg. Out there where things fall apart. So I created this
world where we can both be safe. Where we will stay the same forever.

G: You lied to me… I’m sorry, but I have to go.

M: Is that what you want?

G: It’s what I have to do.

* Greg moves towards the door. He tries to open it but fails. He tries
the other door, which is also locked. Greg triesby all means possible
to get out but fail.

M: There only one way out Greg. You need to give me a face.

* Mother holds up the knife

G: What?

G: I can’t… I hate you but you’re my mother. Why?

M: Because I need to fly away. Because what is left of me needs to fly

Because you won’t be free until I’m gone. Because I can be free, but only
if you help me.

G: I can’t… I never could. I don’t know how.

M: We all can…

*Mother gives the knife to Greg and lies down on the floor. Greg dips the
knife in berry juice and paints a face on the mothers faceless mask while
she reads the monolouge.

M: Madness is the sister of truth and chaos is their mother.

Paint my face. Paint my fave red.Paint my face like you still love me.
Paint my face like you know. Paint a smile like a smile I could never
smile before. Paint my face and paint my throat and paint my body with
red flowers because I am madness and madness blooms just like a flower -
so easy. So easy now. There. yes there. Paint my eyes to say that you
were never ever here. Paint me so so red. It’ll be your finest work.
I’ll be your finest work yet, but please remember that the work is never
done. Paint me like your work is never never done.

* Mother stands up - a smiley painted on the faceless mask. She exits

slowly and Greg is left on stage.

G: I wait in whwite rooms. White the walls, white the bed, white fish are
swinning in my head. I turned to look then, but you weren’t there. The
corridors of man are endless, and I’m lost in sunshine, let me out
please. I’m blindedn by light white light I want to live and joy but
screaming will not hear me in the midst of succint destiny I can’t feel
what my fingers are saying in the dark alleys of eternity but hear me
peaopkle hear me peoplke hear me at the end of lin at the end of everty
tubestatiopn in farther and farther placed in heaven I climbed through
windows untoucheed and heard bird bird bird bird bírd bnird, fly fly in
my eye and though I’m shynesas is virtue in the least audible inticate
maze of geografical underpinnings and strata of mountains under my every
shout an out out out out out and up and away to the darkness top the
darkness to the darkness through the darknight in to bright light flight
fly fly fly fly inside the apple of my eye my stone is rolled down onto
my graave but let me on earth hear dark spirits in spirits in dark under
under ground in under weather undewr sky under fly bird fly bird fly bird

Who’s there?


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