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University of Bahrain

College of Information Technology

Department of Computer Science
Semester 2, 2023-2024
Assignment #1

// Course Name and #: ITCS 323/325 Section #: XX Date: XX/XX/XXXX
// Activity Name: Activity #:

Write the Linux commands to accomplish the below tasks in order. Do not change your working
directory until you are asked. You should provide a capture for each task.
1- Create a directory ID_specialist within your home directory, where ID is your actual
student ID.
1)Linux command code:

2)Capture of the screen for Linux command code and result:

2- In ID_specialist, create three directories (Cardiology, Otolaryngology, Hematology).
1)Linux command code:

2)Capture of the screen for Linux command code and result:

3- Change your working directory to Cardiology, created in previous step.

1)Linux command code:

2)Capture of the screen for Linux command code and result:

4- In folder Cardiology, create a text file named (Surgeon.txt) that contains your name.
1)Linux command code:

2)Capture of the screen for Linux command code and result:

5- Move the file (Surgeon.txt) from Cardiology to Otolaryngology directory using the same
1)Linux command code:

2)Capture of the screen for Linux command code and result:

6- Display the calendar for the current month and save the command result in a file called
SurgeonCalender.txt using the command (tee). [you should use only one command to do
this task] Hint: Use the man command to view manual pages for the command tee.
1)Linux command code:

2)Capture of the screen for Linux command code and result:

7- Change your working directory to your home directory (One command Only).
1)Linux command code:

2)Capture of the screen for Linux command code and result:

8- Display the last 2 commands in the history.
1)Linux command code:

2)Capture of the screen for Linux command code and result:

9- In home directory, display all the existing processes.

1)Linux command code:

2)Capture of the screen for Linux command code and result:

10- Display the username for the user in ubuntu operating system.
1)Linux command code:

2)Capture of the screen for Linux command code and result:

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