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CU1 Course Task Intro to Leadership and Management


BSN 4 YA 1


1. Name a leader (foreign or local) that you admire the most.

a. What are his/her notable leadership characteristics? In which leadership theory does
his/her leadership characteristics fit into?

3. Cite an instance in which these characteristics were demonstrated. (50 points)


Florence Nightingale was a British nurse and social reformer who lived from 1820 to 1910. She
is widely known as the founder of modern nursing and made significant contributions to
healthcare, hospital sanitation, and nursing education. Notable leadership characteristics of
Florence Nightingale include her visionary thinking, resilience, empathy, and commitment to
patient care and healthcare reform. She is often associated with the transformational leadership

Florence Nightingale demonstrated her leadership characteristics during her work in the Crimea
War. In 1854, she led a team of nurses to the British military hospital in Scutari, Turkey, to
provide care for wounded soldiers during the war. Nightingale's leadership and visionary
thinking became evident as she implemented sanitary reforms to improve conditions in the
hospital. She emphasized cleanliness, proper nutrition, and proper ventilation, leading to a
significant reduction in the mortality rate among the soldiers. This example showcases her
resilience and dedication to patient care and healthcare reform.

Overall, Florence Nightingale's leadership characteristics align with the transformational

leadership theory. Her ability to inspire and motivate others through her vision for healthcare
reform, as well as her dedication to the well-being of patients, exemplifies the transformational
leadership style.


1. [Florence Nightingale - National Women's History


2. [10 Leadership Lessons from Florence Nightingale - Connection

3. [Promoting Sustainable Nursing Leadership: The Nightingale Legacy -

4. [Transformational leadership: Florence Nightingale's


2. CASE SCENARIO (50 points)

You are in your first week as a newly assigned nurse in the Emergency Department
of a local hospital . You observed a very busy area where rooms are filled with patients
awaiting attention. The triage nurse is responsible for prioritizing who is seen first. This
often necessitates that certain patients are not seen for long periods of time, so that
more seriously ill patients maybe treated or admitted. You notice that on a regular basis,
waiting patients and families become very angry. Often, nurses repeat blood work for
patients and there is general disorganization.

You observed that the head nurse is too laissez-faire. You believe the workplace
needs order and that if the group was called together, solutions could be found that
would enhance the workflow.

TASK: Answer the following questions:

⚫ What type of leadership style would be most effective in this situation? Why? Explain

⚫ Give at least 5 leadership behaviors which would be necessary to bring more

structure to the flow and treatment of emergency patients? Explain each briefly.

Cite at least 2 references for your answers.


The most effective leadership style in this situation would be transformational leadership.
Transformational leaders create a vision for their team, inspire and motivate their followers to
work towards it, and encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills to achieve the vision.
In this case, the focus would be on improving the workflow of the emergency department to
provide better care for patients and minimize waiting times. The transformational leadership
style can be effective in this situation because it encourages collaboration, innovation, and
creativity to identify and address the underlying problems.
Here are five leadership behaviors that would be necessary to bring more structure to the flow
and treatment of emergency patients:

1. Clear communication: Establish regular communication with the staff to identify the issues
and challenges they face, and to keep everyone informed of any changes in standards or
2. Continue training: Provide regular training for staff to enhance their knowledge and improve
the quality of patient care.
3. Empowerment and delegation: Empower staff to make decisions within their scope of
practice and delegate responsibilities effectively, ensuring the right people are in the right roles.
4. Ensuring accountability: Hold staff accountable for their actions and decisions, while also
encouraging a culture of continuous learning and improvement.
5. Fostering collaboration and teamwork: Encourage staff to work collaboratively and share
knowledge and expertise to improve the workflow of the department and enhance patient care.


Roberts, J. (2018). Transformational leadership in nursing. British Journal of Nursing, 27(13),

760–764. <>

Cummings, G. G., MacGregor, T., Davey, M., Lee, H., Wong, C. A., Lo, E., & Muise, M. (2018).
Leadership styles and outcome patterns for the nursing workforce and work environment: A
systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 85, 19–60.

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