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● Cognitive
Explain the key principles of postmodern philosophy and its influence on society,
education, and the Philippine TVET system.

● Affective
Develop an appreciation for the value of diverse perspectives, collaboration, and
inclusivity in shaping educational systems and fostering community engagement.

● Psychomotor
Apply the principles of postmodern philosophy in designing educational
approaches that emphasize skills development, experiential learning, and the
recognition of diverse forms of knowledge in the Philippine TVET system.

Postmodern philosophy, emerging in the later 20th century, challenges the principles of
modernity and advocates for diverse perspectives, individual experiences, and the
recognition of socially constructed knowledge. This report examines how
postmodernism influences society, education, and specifically, the Philippine Technical
Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system.
Understanding Postmodernism:

Postmodernism critiques established ways of thinking, rejecting the notion of a single

objective truth. It emphasizes diversity, multiple perspectives, and the influence of
cultural, historical, and contextual factors on knowledge.

Postmodernism in Education:

In education, postmodernism questions traditional structures, advocating for diversity

and individual experiences. It acknowledges that knowledge is socially constructed,
shaping educational approaches to embrace multiplicity.

Postmodernism in education challenges norms, prioritizing diverse, socially

constructed knowledge experiences.
The Teacher and the Community:

Postmodern philosophy encourages collaboration between teachers and communities,

recognizing the latter's expertise. It promotes education as a collective effort involving
stakeholders like teachers, students, parents, and the wider community.

Postmodernism fosters teacher-community collaboration, valuing collective expertise

in education.

School Culture and Organizational Leadership:

Postmodernism highlights schools as social and cultural spaces, urging the embrace of
diversity, inclusivity, and critical thinking in their culture. It advocates for a shift in
organizational leadership towards collaboration and distributed decision-making.

Postmodernism reshapes school culture, emphasizing diversity, inclusivity, and

collaborative leadership.

Postmodern Influence on the Philippine TVET System:

In the Philippine TVET system, postmodern philosophy manifests in an emphasis on

skills development, experiential learning, and recognition of diverse knowledge forms.
TVET programs aim to align training with real-world needs through industry
partnerships and community engagement.

Postmodernism shapes TVET towards practical skills, diverse learning, and industry


Postmodern philosophy, applied to society and education, underscores the importance

of diversity, collaboration, and multiple perspectives. In the context of the Philippine
TVET system, it fosters a more inclusive and effective educational approach aligned
with the needs of the labor market and communities.


Postmodern philosophy, emerging in the later 20th century, challenges the principles of
modernity and advocates for diverse perspectives, individual experiences, and the
recognition of socially constructed knowledge. It has had a significant impact on society,
education, and specifically, the Philippine TVET system. Postmodernism questions
traditional educational structures, emphasizing diversity, multiple perspectives, and the
influence of cultural, historical, and contextual factors on knowledge. It encourages
collaboration between teachers and communities, recognizing the expertise of the
community. Postmodernism highlights the significance of school culture and
organizational leadership, promoting diversity, inclusivity, and critical thinking. In the
Philippine TVET system, postmodern philosophy is evident in the emphasis on skills
development, experiential learning, and recognition of diverse knowledge forms. TVET
programs aim to align training with real-world needs through industry partnerships
and community engagement. Overall, postmodern philosophy brings attention to the
importance of diversity, collaboration, and multiple perspectives in shaping an inclusive
and effective educational system in the Philippines.


In a rural province in the Philippines, a community-driven effort integrates postmodern

philosophy into the local Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system to
address the mismatch between traditional skills training and the evolving job market.
Through collaborative discussions involving educators, parents, local officials, and
industry representatives, the community reimagines the curriculum to emphasize
critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability. By involving local artisans, farmers, and
entrepreneurs as mentors and integrating hands-on workshops and experiential
learning, students gain not only technical skills but also a deeper understanding of their
cultural and socio-economic contexts. Moreover, partnerships with local businesses
provide students with real-world experiences and apprenticeships, bridging the gap
between theory and practice. This holistic approach celebrates inclusivity, diversity, and
collaboration, empowering learners to succeed in the 21st century while making
meaningful contributions to their community.

Chapter 10: Postmodernism – Social Foundations of K-12 Education
Postmodernism in Education | Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education
Postmodernism and Education | The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Education
Modern and Post-Modern Teacher Education: Revealing Contrasts in Basic ...

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