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Accuracy and relevance of information (30 points)

- 0 points: No relevant information about comets,
meteors, and asteroids included in the story
- 10 points: Some relevant information included, but
not accurate or used in a way that affects the plot or
- 20 points: Accurate and relevant information
included that affects the plot and characters
- 30 points: Accurate and relevant information
included that affects the plot and characters, and
shows a deep understanding of the subject matter

Creativity and originality of plot and characters (30 points)

- 0 points: Story/poem lacks creativity and originality,
and is not engaging
- 10 points: Some creativity and originality shown, but
the story/poem is not very engaging
- 20 points: Story/poem shows creativity and
originality, and is engaging
- 30 points: Story/poem is highly creative and original,
and is engaging from start to finish
Use of descriptive language and dialogue (20 points)
- 0 points: No descriptive language or dialogue used
in the story/poem
- 10 points: Some descriptive language and dialogue
used, but not enough to make the story/poem vivid
and realistic
- 20 points: Descriptive language and dialogue used
to make the story/poem vivid and realistic
- 30 points: Descriptive language and dialogue used
effectively to make the story/poem come alive

Quality of grammar, spelling, and punctuation (20 points)

- 0 points: Numerous errors in grammar, spelling,
and/or punctuation throughout the story/poem
- 10 points: Some errors in grammar, spelling, and/or
punctuation throughout the story/poem
- 20 points: Few errors in grammar, spelling, and/or
punctuation throughout the story/poem
- 30 points: No errors in grammar, spelling, and/or
punctuation throughout the story/poem

Total: 100 points

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