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Mitraclip Device

Indication :

Mitraclip G4 system in combination with guideline directed medical therapy can be used to
treat symptomatic, moderate to severe or severe functional mitral regurgitation. It can be
determined using American society of echocardiography criteria for mitral regurgitation. It is
indicated in patient with MR > Grade III with Heart Failure reduced EF more than 20% and left
ventricular end systolic dimension (LVESD) < 70 mm, especially for patient with persistent
symptoms despite optimal GDMT.


Despite several positive results, this device still has few contraindications. This clip components,
including nickel, titanium, cobalt chromium polyester might be contraindicated for patient with
previous history of hypersensitivity. Patient with active myocardial disease such as Rheumatic
mitral valve disease or endocarditis of mitral valve cannot undergo this procedure. Thrombus
intracardiac or in inferior vena cava increased risk of fatal complication. After procedure,
patients will be given antiplatelet and anticoagulant regimen so if any patients have allergy with
those medication, we should postponed the procedure.

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