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Modal Verb Practice 2

Can, could, may, might, should, would, will

1. __________ I use(=nutzen) your eraser(=Radiergummi), please? Yes, of course you

2. Don’t touch that wire(=Kabel) because(=weil) it __________ be dangerous.
3. I __________ swim when I was five years old.
4. I __________ meet(=treffen) you all at the bar after(=nach) I finish my homework.
5. Sonia __________ practice(=ueben/trainieren) more if she wants to run a marathon.
6. You__________ have some of this food if you are hungry.
7. The girl __________ go to the studio for an audition(=Vorsingen), she is a very talented
8. He is applying(=bewerben) for a job at the university, I think he __________ get it.
9. I’m not sure(=sicher), but Roberto __________leave for Australia soon.
10. It is not raining anymore, we __________go for a walk(=spazieren gehen) if you want.
11. Sheila didn’t go to work yesterday, she__________be sick.
12. I __________ like to join you all, but I am too busy(=beschaeftigt).
13. Excuse me, __________you tell me where the city hall(=Rathaus) is?
14. No one is allowed to go into that building, you __________ not go inside.
15. He__________be angry when he hears you were here to visit(=besuchen) and did not call
16. When I was a small child, I__________not reach the highest shelf, now it is easy.
17. I __________ help you if you want me to.
18. Hello, I __________ like three beers, please.
19. When I was 15 years old, I__________ remember(=erinnern) all of the multiplication
20. She is very fast, she __________ run 5 kilometers in 12 minutes.

1. May I use(=nutzen) your eraser(=Radiergummi), please? Yes, of course you may.

2. Don’t touch that wire(=Kabel) because(=weil) it might be dangerous.
3. I could swim when I was five years old.
4. I will meet you all there after I finish my homework.
5. Sonia should practice(=ueben/trainieren) more if she wants to run a marathon.
6. You can have some of this food if you are hungry.
7. The girl should go to the studio for an audition(=Vorsingen), she is a very talented singer.
8. He is applying(=bewerben) for a job at the university., he might get it.
9. I’m not sure(=sicher), but Roberto might leave for Australia soon.
10. It is not raining anymore, we can go for a walk(=spazieren gehen) if you want.
11. Sheila didn’t go to work yesterday, she might be sick.
12. I would like to join you all, but I am too busy(=beschaeftigt).
13. Excuse me, could you tell me where the city hall(=Rathaus) is?
14. No one is allowed to go into that building, you may not go inside.
15. He will be angry when he hears you were here to visit(=besuchen) and did not call him.
16. When I was a small child, I could not reach the highest shelf, now it is easy.
17. I can help you if you want me to.
18. Hello, I would like three beers, please.
19. When I was 15 years old, I could remember(=erinnern) all of the multiplication
20. She is very fast, she can run 5 kilometers in 12 minutes.

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