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INTRODUCTION:- Malnutrition, particularly undernutrition is a major public health burden in India and
therefore, the entire developing world . In 2018, about 5.3 million children die worldwide before they reach age 5
years and the majority of those diseases are preventable or treatable, malnutrition attribute to about half of child
deaths . A report of UNICEF-WHO in 2011, estimated 165 million children under five years aged who were stunted,
101 million were underweight and 52 million were wasted, globally . India has reported being very high occurrence of
childhood malnutrition in the form of underweight, stunting and wasting, within the world.
Tribal communities are defined as those communities which have primitive traits, distinctive culture,
geographical isolation, shyness of contact with the community at large, and backwardness. India has second largest
tribal population in the world, representing 8.6% of India’s population. India Census. 2011 Recognizing their special
needs, the Government of India has introduced several pro-ST policies and programmes; yet, the condition of the
tribal community is far poorer than all of India, on average, in terms of most socioeconomic indicators. For instance,
the National Family Health Survey-3 reported that ST children have the poorest nutritional status in the nation.

nutritional as well as socio-economic Inequalities are most intensely experienced by the tribal population when
compared with the rest of the population. The objective of the study is to estimate the prevalence of
malnourishment among tribal children (0-59 months) in the block satanwada district shivpuri m.p.

Malnutrition among children is considered as the key risk factor for adolescents’ illness, and it is responsible for
about one-third deaths of children globally . It also affects physical and mental development, resulting in lower levels
of educational attainment . Moreover, children affected by severe or chronic malnutrition also go on to suffer from
diminished functional and intellectual capacity as adults.

A -The purpose of this study is to identify the determinants of malnutrition among under 5 yrs children in tribal
B. Specific objectives-
1.a non-parametric approach, to address the objective. Our analysis shows that breastfeeding practice, economic
status, antenatal care of mother and women’s decision-making autonomy are negatively associated with malnutrition
among tribal children.
2. We identify maternal malnutrition and urban concentration of household as the two risk factors for child
3. The identified associated factors may be used for designing and targeting preventive programmes for
malnourished tribal children.

REVIEW LITREATURE:- Background : In India, one million children die before they reach aged 5 years, most of them
from treatable or preventable diseases and nutritionrelated factors contribute to half of child deaths.
Objectives : This review work was conducted to evaluate the overall prevalence of wasting, underweight, and
stunting among tribal preschool children of in block satanwada district of shivpuri m.p
: A community-based cross-sectional survey in tribal villages with tribal children (0-59 months) of in block satanwada
district of shivpuri m.p using a semi-structured, pretested questionnaire to collect the sociodemographic profile (age,
gender, education, occupation, type of tribe, type of house, type of family) from mother/caretaker and
anthropometric measurements (height, weight, and mid-arm circumference) was recorded and compared with WHO
growth standards. Quantitative variables were summarized using the Mean (SD). Children below -2SD are considered
malnourished in terms of being underweight, stunted, and wasted.
KEYWORD:- malnutrition, tribal community under 5 yrs child, who growth standard, wasting/sam/mam/stunting

Data and Methodology : A community-based cross-sectional survey in tribal village with children (0-59
months) of in block satanwada district of shivpuri m.p using a semi-structured, pretested questionnaire to collect the
sociodemographic profile (age, gender, education, occupation, type of tribe, type of house, type of family) from
mother/caretaker and anthropometric measurements (height, weight, and mid-arm circumference) was recorded
and compared with WHO growth standards. Quantitative variables were summarized using the Mean (SD). Children
below -2SD are considered malnourished in terms of being underweight, stunted, and wasted.
Data Sources
The present study is based on a cross-sectional survey that was conducted in block satanwada district of shivpuri m.p.
The study participants were selected via a multi-stage sampling proce-dure, tribal villages with children aged under
five. Semi-structured household ques-tionnaire and child questionnaire served as data collection instruments. The
household question-naire comprised basic household-level social and economic information, and was completed by
any adult household member. The children’s questionnaire aimed to elicit information on childcare prac-tice, child
health, and nutrition. In case of more than one eligible child (under the age of five) in thehousehold, only the
youngest child was included in the survey. We also collected anthropometry data, whereby we measured the height
and weight of the children and mothers along with their age. For measuring weight, digital scales were employed,
ensuring requisite accuracy. Both mother and child were weighed twice and the average weight was recorded, in
order to minimize measurement error. Children aged <24 months were weighed while being held by their mothers,
after which the mother’s weight was subtracted to derive the weight of the child. When measuring height,children
aged >24 months were asked to stand against straight a wall, whereby an inch tape was utilized to record their
height. Children aged <24 months were measured while lying down.

Data analysis:-

Inclusion criteria :- sam/mam

Exclusion criteria:- wasting/stunting


1. Kumar S, Chaudhary K, Jha D, Yadav S. Prevalence of Malnutrition among under five children of rukmini
nagar, belagavi -a cross sectional study. Int J Health Sci Res. 2015;1:4625.
2. India Census. 2011.
3. 1. Sahu SK, Kumar SG, Bhat BV, Premarajan KC, Sarkar S, Roy G, et al. Malnutrition among under-five children
in India and strategies for control. J Nat Sc Biol Med. 2015;6:18-23.
4. WHO. Children: Reducing Mortality, 19 Sept, 2019,, last accessed on 25 July,
5. United Nations Children’s Fund, World Health Organization & World Bank. 2012. UNICEF– WHO–The World
Bank: Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates. New York/Geneva/Washington, DC. UNICEF, WHO and World Bank:
6. nternational Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Macro International
, National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3), 2005 06 India. Mumbai IIPS

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