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Module: Human Resource: The Key to Productivity

**Focus:** This module emphasizes the importance of the human element in organizational
performance and explores ways to maximize worker productivity.

**Determinants of Productivity:** Organizational structure, facilities, equipment, programs, funds,

leaders, managers, policies, and institutional mandates all influence productivity, but none can surpass
the individual's creative and energy inputs.


1. Explain the individual's contribution to organizational performance.

2. Cite principles for maximizing worker productivity in an organization.

**Equity to the Production System:** The individual's equity comprises energy, talent, time, attitude,
knowledge, skills, and information, which managers must harness to achieve organizational goals.

**Motivation and Climate:** Managers must employ motivation principles and practices to create a
conducive environment for high motivation and productivity among workers.

**Influence of Japanese Management Principles:** Japanese firms institutionalized modern

management principles, contributing significantly to Japan's industrial growth. These principles have
since become popular worldwide.

**Relevant Generalizations:**

1. Joint ownership of ideas through participative management enhances commitment and worker

2. Personal effort is important, but joint effort is often more critical for high organizational performance.

3. Effective coordination and integration are essential as the workforce becomes more specialized.

4. Management involves communication, attitudes, values, and sentiments rooted in shared cultural

5. Commitment to common goals and values contributes to sustained organizational performance.

6. Upgrading skills, expanding knowledge, acquiring new tools, fostering proper attitudes, and enhancing
personalities add value to human resources.

7. Management is not just about technology; it also deals with people, their values, growth, and
development, touching on spiritual concerns.


The individual's contribution to organizational performance, as highlighted in the module, is

multifaceted and crucial. It encompasses several key elements:

1. **Energy:** Individuals bring their physical and mental energy to the job. This energy is essential for
carrying out tasks, making decisions, and maintaining productivity throughout the workday.

2. **Talent:** Each individual possesses unique talents and skills that can be harnessed by the
organization. These talents can lead to creative solutions, innovation, and improved processes within
the workplace.

3. **Time:** Time management and the efficient use of work hours are critical for productivity.
Individuals contribute by managing their time effectively, ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently
and deadlines are met.

4. **Attitude:** A positive attitude can significantly impact organizational performance. Individuals with
a positive attitude are more likely to approach challenges with enthusiasm, adapt to changes, and work
well with colleagues, ultimately enhancing the overall work environment.

5. **Knowledge:** Employees bring their knowledge and expertise to the organization, which can be
applied to problem-solving, decision-making, and improving processes. Continual learning and
knowledge-sharing further contribute to organizational growth.

6. **Skills:** The specific skills possessed by individuals are vital for performing their job roles
effectively. These skills can range from technical abilities to soft skills such as communication,
leadership, and teamwork.

7. **Information:** Individuals have access to information that can be valuable to the organization. This
includes market insights, customer feedback, and data-driven decision-making that can lead to better
strategies and outcomes.
The manager's role, as outlined in the module, is to draw upon and channel these contributions from
individuals effectively. By creating the right motivational climate and treatment, managers can maximize
the utilization of the individual's energy, talent, time, attitude, knowledge, skills, and information to
achieve organizational goals and enhance overall productivity. In essence, the collective contributions of
individuals drive the success and sustainability of the organization.

The module provides insights into principles for maximizing worker productivity in an organization. Here
are the cited principles:

1. **Motivation:** Managers should employ motivational strategies to create a work environment

where employees are highly motivated. Motivated workers tend to be more productive and engaged in
their tasks.

2. **Participative Management:** Encouraging joint ownership of ideas through participative

management fosters greater commitment and support from employees. When workers feel their
opinions and contributions are valued, they are more likely to be productive and innovative.

3. **Joint Effort:** While individual effort is important, the module emphasizes that joint effort often
outweighs personal contributions for high organizational performance. Coordination, collaboration, and
teamwork among employees are essential to achieve cohesive and efficient outcomes.

4. **Communication and Relationship Building:** Effective communication and positive relationships

among employees are crucial for productivity. Managers should facilitate open and respectful
communication to improve understanding and cooperation within the organization.

5. **Shared Values and Goals:** Workers' commitment to common organizational goals and shared
values contributes to sustained high performance. When employees align their efforts with the
organization's mission and values, they are more likely to work towards its success.

6. **Continuous Learning and Development:** Investing in the development of employees' skills,

knowledge, and personal growth is essential. By providing opportunities for growth and improvement,
organizations can enhance the capabilities of their workforce, leading to increased productivity.
7. **Spiritual Concerns:** Acknowledging the deeper aspects of human nature, including values,
growth, and development, can be integral to effective management. A focus on the holistic well-being of
employees can contribute to their motivation and overall performance.

These principles emphasize the importance of not only the technical aspects of work but also the human
and cultural elements within an organization. By incorporating these principles into their management
practices, organizations can maximize worker productivity and create a positive and productive work

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