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### Vasti Karma: Ayurvedic Enema Therapy

Vasti is a significant therapeutic procedure in Ayurveda involving the administration of medicated

substances through the rectum. It is known for its effectiveness in treating various health conditions and
promoting overall well-being. Here is a detailed overview of Vasti Karma for your document:

### Introduction to Vasti Karma:

- Definition: Vasti is a type of Panchakarma therapy that involves the introduction of herbal oils,
decoctions, or medicated substances into the rectum.

- Purpose: Vasti is used to balance the doshas (energies) in the body, cleanse the colon, improve
digestion, and treat a wide range of disorders.

### Types of Vasti:

1. Anuvasana Vasti (Oil Enema):

- Involves the administration of medicated oils for nourishing and pacifying Vata dosha.

2. Niruha Vasti (Decoction Enema):

- Utilizes herbal decoctions to cleanse and detoxify the colon, primarily used for Kapha and Pitta

### Procedure of Vasti Karma:

1. Preparation:

- The patient’s digestive tract is prepared through dietary changes and internal oleation (Snehana).

2. Administration:

- The medicated substance is introduced into the rectum using an enema syringe, ensuring proper
positioning and retention.

3. Retention:

- The patient is advised to retain the enema for a specific duration depending on the therapist’s
4. Follow-up:

- After expelling the enema, the patient may undergo post-treatment procedures such as dietary
modifications and specific therapies to enhance the benefits.

### Indications for Vasti Karma:

- Vata Disorders: Beneficial for conditions like joint pain, constipation, neurological disorders.

- Pitta Imbalances: Useful in managing acidity, inflammation, and skin disorders.

- Kapha Disorders: Effective in cases of asthma, sinus congestion, and obesity.

### Benefits of Vasti Karma:

- Balances Doshas: Harmonizes Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas in the body.

- Detoxification: Cleanses the colon, removes toxins, and purifies the body.

- Therapeutic: Provides relief from various health issues and promotes well-being.

### Contraindications:

- Dehydration, Pregnancy, Severe Diarrhea, and certain Rectal Conditions are some situations
where Vasti should be avoided.

### Conclusion:

Vasti Karma is a profound therapy in Ayurveda known for its therapeutic benefits in balancing bodily
energies, promoting detoxification, and improving overall health. When performed under expert
guidance and tailored to individual needs, Vasti proves to be a valuable treatment modality in the realm
of traditional Ayurvedic medicine.

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