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A traditional marriage in the rural area of Agame, Tigray region

Order process

Agame district is an area located in the eastern zone of Tigray region, from Adigrat city in the west to
Bezet city and its surroundings and in the north to Zalambesa city and its surroundings. The
traditional marriage ceremony in this area is as follows.

However, the marriages held in rural areas of Tigray have a traditional content and the general
process is the same. It is a marriage ceremony performed by both the parents of the man and the
woman for the good life they have for their children. It is done based on the desire of their parents
to expand and strengthen their relationship and to return to their own nest and have children. As
confirmed by a careful study of the close relatives, the man's family is told to keep the order and
express his desire to her at every opportunity, such as when she goes down to the river to draw
water, when she goes to the market, and when she goes out to the market.

If he is willing to see the sight, they select magicians who are famous in the area and speak
convincingly and are sent to the girl's family. Since the question is sudden, I can't decide on it now,
so I will discuss it with the family and make it easier for him to study the child's condition and his

In this way, if they visit the magals twice, they will announce that they have accepted the request on
the third appointment. The magals will return to the man's house to announce this happy news. The
preparations for the wedding will begin and the bride and groom will carefully select three brides
who have grown up together and make their own preparations.

Two days before the ceremony, a booth was set up at the house of the man, and from 6:00 a.m. to
12:00 p.m. on the day of the wedding, the invited guests and relatives eat and drink at the feast and
fill the booth with traditional cheers and shouts.

This highlight will be held at Mubrit's house in the same way. At 12:00 p.m., the Mubaru and his
three companions, no more than 12 young people who can dance, as well as a horse for the Mubrit
ma¹¹Ÿ and a driver who knows the character of the horse, will be called #Worada Mera;
(Accompaniment) will start the journey to Mubrit's house. The whole journey will be accompanied
by fear and shouting.

As soon as Mubaru and his entourage arrived at the entrance door of Mubarit's wedding booth, they
were waiting for Mubaru's arrival. Mubari's relatives and guests were called. They welcome them by
singing the traditional Tigrin song "Milu".

After the ceremony, the Mubara and the bridegroom enter the house and take the bride with her
bridegroom to the booth, and if they are placed in the place prepared for them, they will be served
food and drink.

In addition to this, by making the inauguration of the great fathers based on the tradition, bringing
forward the Mubra and Mubrit in the area #Maesi; By making them sit on a carpet made of cowhide,
the three male Mizebs take turns holding the top of the Mubarit in their left hand and turning it
three times from right to left, calling the Christian name of the Mubara in a loud voice and saying, "I
am Mizeb, we are by your side until the day you die." With that in mind, they enter into a covenant.'

From here, according to the tradition, after receiving money from the parents of the Mubara, they
stay up all night, and from 11:00 in the morning, the Mubarwa and one Mize will be on the horse
and return to the Mubarwa's house in a traditional fear.

As soon as the mubari arrive in their area, the local residents and relatives who will not leave
without welcoming the mubari get together and welcome the mubari into the hut accompanied by
loud shouting and fear.

After a certain period of fear, the Mubaraks go to the resting place prepared for them.

If the wedding situation is completed in this way, La Mubrit and the boys will celebrate their time
with the Mubaru families for a month with different ¾watas according to the local culture, i.e., the
local traditional ¾wata and others. She spends funny and funny nights with her dreams.

On the day of Mubrit's Águla period, when she returns to her family, the traditional stone bird, Azla,
makes her to eat grain, and after a year, when she returns from her parents' house, she returns from
her parents' house after a year. By giving it as a gift to his mother, the mother is escorted by the
mubaru and the mizzes to return to her parents' house, so that she stays there for about a year and
the mubaru visits her as needed and visits her.

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