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2. Additional topics for writing practice

Write about the similarities and/ or differences between high school

and college.

When you talk about the differences between highschool and college,
it will have a lot of things to comapare, but in this paragraph I will
talk about two salient points. Firstly, self-study, in highschool,
students usually have to listen and write everything the teachers alow.
It leads students to study passive and have no freedom in knowledge.
On the opposite, college students have to got their own motivation in
learning, unlike in highschool. Teachers in college only give students
advices, everything else will be decided by the students themself.
Secondly, the regulations, highschool will have more strict and oblige
laws, for example, you will get a pushiment when you are late, even
for a minute. Of course that every rules will have its own reason to be
appered, but it always makes students feel affected. While in the
college, there will have less strict laws but instead of that, the
pushiment will be harder. In fact, the differences between college and
highschool are too many, but college help us have higher
opportunities in life.
When you talk about the differences between highschool and college,
it will have a lot of things to comapare, but in this paragraph I will
talk about two salient points. Firstly, self-study, in highschool,
students usually have to listen and write everything the teachers alow.
It leads students to study passive and have no freedom in knowledge.
On the opposite, college students have to got their own motivation in
learning, unlike in highschool. Teachers in college only give advices,
everything else will be decided by the students themself. Secondly,
the regulations, highschool will have more strict and oblige laws, for
example, you will get a punishment when you are late, even for a
minute. Of course that every rules will have its own reason to be
appered, but it always makes students feel affected. While in the
college, there will have less strict laws but instead of that, the
punishment will be harder. In fact, the differences between college
and highschool are too many, but college help us have higher
opportunities in life.

Người sửa: Võ Trung Kiên

When you talk about the differences between highschool and college,
it will have a lot of things to comapare, but in this paragraph I will
talk about two salient points. Firstly, self-study, in highschool,
students usually have to listen and write everything the teachers alow.
It leads students to study passive and have no freedom in knowledge.
On the opposite, college students have to got their own motivation in
learning, unlike in highschool. Teachers in college only give advices,
everything else will be decided by the students themself. Secondly,
the regulations, highschool will have more strict and oblige laws, for
example, you will get a punishment when you are late, even for a
minute. Of course that every rules will have its own reason to be
appered, but it always makes students feel affected. While in the
college, there will have less strict laws but instead of that, the
punishment will be harder. In fact, the differences between college
and highschool are too many, but college help us have higher
opportunities in life.

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