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Object Oriented Programming (22EC005)

Task 1.1
Topic: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
Overview: Object Oriented programming (OOP) is to structure a software program into simple,
reusable pieces of code blueprints (usually called classes), which are used to create individual
instances of objects.
Task Statement: Manav is working in an automobile company. He is working to provide
services that can facilitate certain operations for the customer’s cars. Now help Manav in
building the programming structure for a software that can take user’s input for car details (like
color, brand, and model) and offer different maintenance services like paint and wash etc. Ensure
that software must be reusable by implementing the concept of OOP.

Screenshot of compiler code and output (if applicable):

code in text (if applicable):

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

Submitted By: Raunak, 2310994547, Branch

Object Oriented Programming (22EC005)

class car {


string name;

string model;

string brand;

int a;


void input();

void output();


void car::input() {

cout << "Enter the details of car: " << endl;

cout << "Car name- ";


getline(cin, name);

cout << "Car model- ";

// cin.ignore();

getline(cin, model);

cout << "Car brand- ";

// cin.ignore();

Submitted By: Raunak, 2310994547, Branch

Object Oriented Programming (22EC005)

getline(cin, brand);

void car::output() {

cout << "Choose maintenance service: " << endl;

cout << "1. Wash- Rs300" << endl;

cout << "2. Paint- Rs1000" << endl;

cout << "3. Denting- Rs500 \n";

cout << "4. Wheel Alignment- Rs2000 \n";

cout << "5. Engine service- Rs800 \n";

cout << "6. All in one- Rs6500 \n";

cin >> a;

cout << "Maintenance of: \n";

switch (a) {

case 1:

cout << "Wash the car \n";


case 2:

cout << "Paint the car \n";


case 3:

cout << "Denting of car \n";

Submitted By: Raunak, 2310994547, Branch

Object Oriented Programming (22EC005)


case 4:

cout << "Wheel Alignment of car \n";


case 5:

cout << "Engine service of car \n";


case 6:

cout << "Service of the whole car \n";



cout << "None of these \n";


int main() {

car c1;



return 0;

Submitted By: Raunak, 2310994547, Branch

Object Oriented Programming (22EC005)

}Link for Compilation/Simulation output (if applicable):

Interpretation of results: The C++ program defines a `car` class with attributes for name, model, brand, and a
user-selected option for maintenance services. The `input()` function gathers car details from the user, utilizing
`cin.ignore()` to handle input correctly. The `output()` function presents a menu of maintenance services, prompts the
user to choose one, and uses a `switch` statement to display the selected service. In the `main()` function, an instance
of the `car` class is created, and the user is guided to input car details and select a maintenance service. This program
provides a simple interactive system for managing car information and maintenance service selection.

Submitted By: Raunak, 2310994547, Branch

Object Oriented Programming (22EC005)

Task 1.2
Topic: Classes and Objects.
Overview: Classes and objects are basic concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) that
are used to represent real-world concepts and entities.
Statement: An Orthopedic hospital demands a software which should accommodate the
following features:
1. Entering the name, age, gender of patient
2. Issues faced by the patient
3. Provision for advance booking with the doctor
4. Emergency Appointment
Help them by building a reusable program that must take these inputs from the user and display
them on screen.

Screenshot of compiler code and output (if applicable):

Submitted By: Raunak, 2310994547, Branch

Object Oriented Programming (22EC005)

code in text (if applicable):

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

class patient {
string name;
string gender;
int age;
string address;
string phoneNumber;
string email;
vector<string> problems;
bool isEmergency;
string emergencyContact;
void enterPersonalDetails();
void enterMedicalHistory();
void bookAppointment();
void displayPatientDetails();

void patient::enterPersonalDetails() {
cout << "Enter Name: ";
getline(cin, name);
cout << "Enter Age: ";

Submitted By: Raunak, 2310994547, Branch

Object Oriented Programming (22EC005)

cin >> age;

cin.ignore(); // Clear the input buffer
cout << "Enter Gender: ";
getline(cin, gender);
cout << "Enter Address: ";
getline(cin, address);
cout << "Enter Phone Number: ";
getline(cin, phoneNumber);
cout << "Enter Email: ";
getline(cin, email);

void patient::enterMedicalHistory() {
string problem;
char choice;
cout << "Enter Medical History (type 'done' to finish):" << endl;
do {
cout << "Problem: ";
getline(cin, problem);
cout << "Add another problem? (y/n): ";
cin >> choice;
cin.ignore(); // Clear the input buffer
} while (choice == 'y');

void patient::bookAppointment() {

Submitted By: Raunak, 2310994547, Branch

Object Oriented Programming (22EC005)

char choice;
cout << "Is this an emergency? (y/n): ";
cin >> choice;
isEmergency = (choice == 'y');
cin.ignore(); // Clear the input buffer
if (isEmergency) {
cout << "Enter Emergency Contact: ";
getline(cin, emergencyContact);
else {
cout << "Book Appointment" << endl;
// Add code to book appointment

void patient::displayPatientDetails() {
cout << "\n\nPatient Details:\n";
cout << "Name: " << name << endl;
cout << "Age: " << age << endl;
cout << "Gender: " << gender << endl;
cout << "Address: " << address << endl;
cout << "Phone Number: " << phoneNumber << endl;
cout << "Email: " << email << endl;
cout << "Medical History:" << endl;
for (const string& problem : problems) {
cout << "- " << problem << endl;

Submitted By: Raunak, 2310994547, Branch

Object Oriented Programming (22EC005)

if (isEmergency) {
cout << "Emergency Contact: " << emergencyContact << endl;

int main() {
patient p1;
return 0;
}Link for Compilation/Simulation output:
Interpretation of results: This C++ program defines a `patient` class to gather and display information about a
patient, including personal details, health issues, booking status, and emergency conditions. The program prompts the
user to input the patient's name, age, gender, health issues, and answers regarding booking and emergency situations.
It utilizes member functions within the class to manage these inputs and outputs. The output is then presented as a
comprehensive report, summarizing the patient's information. The modifications include added input handling to
address potential issues with newline characters in the buffer, ensuring a smoother user experience. Overall, the
program provides a basic framework for recording and reporting patient-related data in a medical context.

Submitted By: Raunak, 2310994547, Branch

Object Oriented Programming (22EC005)

Task 1.3
Topic: Abstraction
Overview: Data abstraction is one of the most essential and important features of objectoriented
programming in C++. Abstraction means displaying only essential information and hiding the
Statement: Write a piece of software to track the student’s details of a university. Remember,
students may come from different backgrounds, locations, and have different hobbies, ages,
religions, and languages etc. Your software must accommodate these details and display only
the essential details required for student identity on the university campus.

Screenshot of compiler code and output:

code in text:
#include <iostream> using

namespace std; class

student {

long int roll,age,phn;

string name, course, religion, address,blood_grp,uni_mail;


Submitted By: Raunak, 2310994547, Branch

Object Oriented Programming (22EC005)

void get_data();

void generate_card();

}; void

student::get_data() {

cout << endl;

cout << " Step 1- Basic Details" << endl;;

cout << "Enter Name- ";

getline(cin, name); cout << "Enter

Age- "; cin >> age; cin.ignore();

cout << "Enter Phone Number- "; cin >> phn;

cin.ignore(); cout << "Enter Blood Group- ";

getline(cin, blood_grp); cout << "Enter Religion-

"; getline(cin, religion); cout << "Enter

Address- "; getline(cin, address); cout

<< endl; cout << "Step 2- Course Details"

<< endl;; cout << "Enter Course name ";

getline(cin, course); generate_card();

} void student::generate_card()

int temp_roll=2000; cout << endl;

cout << "Details for Your ID Card" << endl;;

for(int i = 0; i <= 30; i++) {

cout << ".";

cout<< endl; cout <<"Name- "<<name <<

endl;; cout << "Roll Number- " << temp_roll << endl;;

Submitted By: Raunak, 2310994547, Branch

Object Oriented Programming (22EC005)

cout << "Course- " << course << endl;

cout<<"Blood Group- "<<blood_grp << endl;

} int


{ student



Link for Compilation/Simulation output:

Interpretation of results: This C++ program defines a `student` class that captures and presents student
information in two steps: basic details and course-related details. The user is prompted to input the student's name,
age, phone number, blood group, religion, address, and course name. Subsequently, the program generates a pseudo
ID card, featuring a temporary roll number, and displays it along with the provided details. The code ensures correct
input handling and employs a static counter for generating unique roll numbers. The main function instantiates the
`student` class and initiates the data collection process. Overall, the program provides a simple yet interactive system
for creating student records and producing associated ID card information.

Submitted By: Raunak, 2310994547, Branch

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