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Road Safety for AMA

Buckle Up: Always wear your seatbelt, no exceptions.

Avoid Distractions: Keep your focus on the road, not on your phone.

Obey Speed Limits: Speeding increases the risk of accidents.

Never Drink and Drive: It's not worth the risk. Designate a sober driver.

Stay Alert: Watch out for pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles.

Use Turn Signals: Let others know your intentions on the road.

Be Visible: Wear bright clothing or
reflective gear, especially during low-light Students:
conditions. Your Safety
Stay Alert: Avoid distractions like phones or Matters!"
headphones while crossing the road.
"Follow These
Use Crosswalks: Always cross at designated
crossings, and obey traffic signals. Tips to
Look Both Ways: Before crossing, look left, Prevent Road
right, and left again for oncoming traffic. Accidents:"
Be Predictable: Walk in a straight line and
avoid sudden movements.
Additional Information:

Respect Traffic
Laws: They're there
for everyone's
"Road safety is everyone's
safety. Remember,
your safety and the responsibility. Let's ensure our
safety of others commutes are safe for all!"
depend on your "Spread awareness among your
responsible actions colleagues and community.
on the road. Drive Together, we can prevent
safe, arrive safe.
accidents and save lives."

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