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Omar hany gomaa 202102946

For Dr: mohmed el kashef

**Perspective of a Public Relations Manager**

As a public relations manager working for a company that needs to effectively

launch a new product, manage organizational crisis, and build a positive reputation,
I would develop an integrated digital public relations strategy that focuses on the


The company website is the central hub for all public relations activities. It should
be well-designed, informative, and easy to navigate.
Social media
Social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram are essential
for reaching key audiences and building relationships with influencers.


The messaging for the integrated digital public relations strategy should be
consistent across all platforms. It should be clear, concise, and relevant to the target

the messaging should focus on the product's unique features and benefits, and how
it will solve a problem for customers. For crisis management, the messaging should
be transparent and honest, and should focus on keeping the public informed. For
reputation building, the messaging should be positive and aspirational, and should
focus on highlighting the company's strengths and values.


Influencers are people who have a large and engaged following on social media and
other online platforms. They can be a valuable asset for any public relations strategy.

To identify relevant influencers, use a combination of social listening tools and

manual research. I would then reach out to influencers and build relationships with
them over time.


Engagement is essential for any successful digital public relations strategy by Post
regularly on social media and respond to comments and questions, Run contests
and giveaways, Host live Q&A sessions with experts and Create and share
informative and engaging content

**Crisis Management**

1. Identify the crisis and assess the situation.

2. Develop a future crisis communication plan.
3. Communicate with key stakeholders in a timely and transparent manner.
4. Monitor the situation and adapt the communication plan as needed.

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