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Introduction To Psychology

“Does parents' behavior influence the behavior of children?And the role
of parents in the early development and care of children.”

Submitted by:
Eshmoil Hadi
Submitted to:
Ms. Kainat Altaf
Roll no:
2nd Semester (M1/M2)

Institute of Business Management and Administrative Sciences (IBMAS)


Parents' Behavior Influencing Children:
1. Modeling Behavior:
 Parents serve as primary role models for their children
 Children often mimic their parents' actions, attitudes, and behaviors.
 Observing positive behavior can lead to the adoption of similar traits and values.

2. Emotional Development:
 Parents' responses to a child's emotional needs significantly impact emotional
 Supportive and nurturing parents help children develop healthy emotional responses.
 Neglect or harsh parenting can lead to emotional issues in children.

3. Attachment and Bonding:

 Early interactions with parents establish a child's attachment and bonding.
 Secure attachment is crucial for a child's emotional well-being
 Responsive and sensitive caregiving promotes a sense of safety and security.

4. Discipline and Guidance:

 Parents are responsible for setting boundaries and providing guidance.
 Effective discipline techniques teach children about consequences and responsible
 Positive discipline strategies, like clear communication and consistent consequences, are
more effective than punitive approaches.

Role of Parents in Early Development and Care:

1. Communication and Language Development:
 Parents are a child's first language models.
 Engaging in conversations and reading to children fosters language development and
cognitive skills.
 Effective communication helps children express themselves and understand others.

2. Values and Beliefs:

 Parents transmit cultural, religious, and moral values to their children.
 These beliefs influence a child's sense of identity, values, and decision-making.
3. Nutrition and Health:
 Parents provide children with proper nutrition, healthcare, and a safe environment.
 These factors are critical for a child's physical and cognitive development.

4. Education and Learning:

 Parents can significantly impact a child's educational success.
 Involvement in a child's education, encouragement, and support for learning positively
influence academic performance and future opportunities.

5. Safety and Security:

 Parents create a safe and secure environment for children.
 Feeling safe at home is essential for a child's overall development and well-being.

6. Cognitive Development:
 Parents engage in activities and play that stimulate a child's cognitive development.
 Providing opportunities for exploration and learning aids in intellectual growth.

7. Social Skills:
 Parents help children develop social skills by organizing playdates and teaching them how to
interact with others.
 Positive social interactions can lead to healthy relationships in the future.

8. Emotional Support:
 Parents offer emotional support, helping children cope with challenges and setbacks.
 A supportive environment fosters resilience and emotional well-being.

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