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Cordillera School

Name: Carolina Núñez

The Greenland shark: a fascinating creature of the Arctic seas Introduction: The
Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) is a remarkable species that inhabits the
icy waters of the Arctic seas. Known for its impressive size, unique adaptations, and
mysterious behavior, this elusive shark has captured the curiosity of scientists and
nature enthusiasts alike. Physical characteristics: The Greenland shark is one of the
largest shark species, with some individuals growing up to 7 meters (23 feet) long. Its
body is cylindrical and robust, covered with hard and rough skin that helps protect it
from the icy environment. Its coloration varies from dark gray to black, allowing it to
blend in with the surrounding deep waters. Adaptations and Behavior: One of the most
intriguing aspects of the Greenland shark is its ability to survive in extreme cold
conditions. It has a slow metabolism and lower body temperature compared to other
sharks, allowing it to thrive in near-freezing waters. Additionally, its tissues contain a
high concentration of urea and trimethylamine oxide, which act as antifreeze
compounds, preventing the shark's body fluids from freezing. The Greenland shark is
primarily a scavenger, feeding on carrion and slow-moving prey such as fish and seals.
It has been observed displaying a slow and deliberate swimming style, earning it the
nickname "sleeping shark". This behavior, combined with its lethargic nature, has made
studying this species challenging. Longevity and Research: One of the most surprising
facts about the Greenland shark is its exceptional lifespan. Researchers estimate that
some individuals can live more than 400 years, making them one of the longest-lived
vertebrates on Earth. This longevity remains the subject of ongoing research, as
scientists strive to unravel the secrets behind their slow growth and long lifespan.
Conservation Status: Due to its remote habitat and elusive nature, the exact population
size of the Greenland shark remains uncertain. However, it is not currently listed as
endangered. However, the effects of climate change and overfishing in the Arctic region
pose potential threats to its survival, making continued research and conservation efforts
crucial. Conclusion: The Greenland shark is a captivating creature that has adapted to
thrive in the extreme conditions of the Arctic seas. Its large size, unique adaptations, and
remarkable lifespan make it a subject of fascination for scientists and nature lovers. As
we continue to explore and understand this enigmatic species, it is essential to protect its
fragile habitat and ensure its survival for future generations to appreciate.

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