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Unit 1 Exam 1 Study Guide

Below is a sampling of questions that you may find on this exam. If you can completely and accurately
answer the following questions, you should have a solid working understanding of all the material and
concepts we have covered in this unit. You will also find the competencies and learning objectives that
you have been working with so far in this course.

You may also want to go back to the practice quizzes, project(s), worksheets, and textbook chapters
from this unit to help you study the concepts related to the competencies and objectives.

Unit 1 Competencies and Learning Objectives

Competency 1: Use the scientific method to analyze data within a given data set
Learning Objective 1.1: Distinguish between science and pseudoscience
Learning Objective 1.2: Differentiate between a hypothesis and a theory
Learning Objective 1.3: Differentiate the control versus the experimental group(s)
Learning Objective 1.4: Describe and identify variables
Learning Objective 1.5: Develop a hypothesis
Learning Objective 1.7: Analyze data and draw the appropriate conclusion
Learning Objective 1.8: Interpret a graph showing experimental results

Competency 2: Summarize the patterns and processes of evolution and the resulting unity and
diversity of life
Learning Objective 2.13: Compare and contrast the major groups of living organisms
Learning Objective 2.14: Describe the basic attributes that are used to define “life”
Learning Objective 2.15: Define the levels of organization from atoms to ecosystems
Learning Objective 2.16: List in order the levels of organization from atoms to ecosystems

Competency 3: Recognize the chemical basis of life

Learning Objective 3.1: Determine the correct number of protons, electrons, and neutrons,
given atomic number and mass number (periodic table)
Learning Objective 3.2: Identify the correct Bohr model of an atom
Learning Objective 3.3: Explain how the electron configuration determines chemical reactivity
Learning Objective 3.4: Define ionic, covalent, and hydrogen bonds
Learning Objective 3.5: Explain how hydrogen bonds make water the solvent of life
Learning Objective 3.6: List the properties of water
Learning Objective 3.7: Determine whether a molecule is hydrophilic or hydrophobic based
on its structure
Learning Objective 3.8: Identify macromolecules as polymers of unique subunits built through
dehydration synthesis and broken down by hydrolysis
Learning Objective 3.9: Describe the function and structure of macromolecules
Learning Objective 3.10: Explain why carbon is the central element of life

Review Questions

The Scientific Method & What is Biology?

● What is science?
● Can you describe the entire process of the scientific method with all the steps of the process and
the additional two vital components of hypothesis testing?
● Can you explain the importance of controls in experimental design (perhaps by using an
● Can you describe what pseudoscience is, how it differs from actual science, and explain why you
never engage in pseudoscience?
● Can you explain what types of questions or ideas science can answer and what types of
questions and ideas science cannot answer?
● Can you explain how the Linnaean classification system works, in terms of determining the
evolutionary relationship among species, grouping organisms together in natural (monophyletic)
groups, naming organisms appropriately using binomial nomenclature, and then placing them in
their appropriate Linnaean categories?
● Can you explain how the nested hierarchy of the Linnaean classification system can accurately
reflect evolutionary history?
● Can you list all the criteria we use to define life and describe how that is different from non-
living matter?
● Can you explain the difference between a hypothesis and a theory in science? And why we use
the term ‘Theory’ rather than ‘Law’ or ‘Fact’?
● Make sure you are able to define and use the vocabulary terms that are found in both the
Module 1 Vocabulary Quizlet and the Module 2 Vocabulary Quizlet.

The Chemical Basis of Life

● What is Matter?
● What is an Element?
● What is an Atom?
● Can you explain how the Periodic Table of The Elements is organized?
● What do the Atomic Numbers represent?
● Do you understand the Bohr model of atomic structure, how electrons are distributed and orbit
around the nucleus of the atom?
● Can you explain what a covalent bond is and how it works?
● Can you explain what an Ionic bond is and how it works?
● Why is water known as a Polar Covalent compound?
● What is a hydrogen bond, and why do they occur between polar water molecules?
● Can you explain the four unique properties of water?
● Why do they allow water to be the medium in which all life exists?
● Why are all of these properties a result of the presence of the hydrogen bond?
● What defines an organic compound?
● Can you explain why organic compounds are so diverse?
● Make sure you are able to define and use the vocabulary terms that are found in the Module 3
Vocabulary Quizlet.

● What are the four major groups of biological molecules?
● Why are the four groups of biological molecules known as ‘Macromolecules’?
● Can you explain the process of dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis?
● How do these simple processes allow these macromolecules to be easily built and broken
● Can you explain the structure of carbohydrates (monosaccharides, disaccharides, and
● Can you explain the primary function of carbohydrates in animals and their secondary functions
in plants and animals for example?
● Can explain the structure of proteins (primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary)?
● Can you list at least three functions that proteins have and explain how proteins perform those
● Can you explain what defines lipids?
● Can you list the four groups of lipids?
● Can you describe the structure of phospholipids and their single function?
● Can describe the structure of Triglycerides, what primary function they play in animal biology,
and the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats?
● Can you explain the structure of the double-stranded double helix of DNA and its sole function?
● Make sure you are able to define and use the vocabulary terms that are found in the Module 4
Vocabulary Quizlet.

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