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Examples of Positive peer pressure

● ‌In my psychology classes, professors are always encouraging us to share our

opinions even if they are different from theirs, so we can develop a critical thinking
and I think that has made us question many things in our lives now.
● ‌When I did the required community service for my career, there were a lot of younger
people doing theirs too. We used to have some time to talk and it was normal to
express how you felt about anything that you wanted to share.
● ‌Studying psychology requires you to know yourself well and take self-care seriously,
especially if you deal with vulnerable people and sensible situations.
Examples of Negative peer pressure
● ‌Many people tell me that the only branch of psychology that you can work in El
Salvador is in Human Resources, that's for me putting pressure on deciding what I'm
going to specialize in later.
● ‌Going out with classmates, they always drink and if someone doesn't want to drink,
they make fun of them so they finally agree to drink.
● ‌In some workplaces, there are women who dress so trendy and fancy, that everyone
else feels the need to do the same, but not everyone can afford to buy the same kind
of clothes just for work.

Hi, I'm a 22 year old psychology degree student from Santa Tecla, El Salvador. I've seen
along my time studying psychology that it's required for you to know yourself well and take
self-care seriously, especially if you deal with vulnerable people and sensible situations. So
psychologists encourage other psychologists to practice self-care in order to have a better
performance in their jobs, which I think is a great example of positive peer pressure.

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