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Gabrielle Ochai


How my traits and skills connect to my Career Plan

My personality is one that is strongly expressed. I have the tendencies to be
successful in any job and career path that I set my mind to do. I have no problem
doing it, as long as I do what needs to be done. I like to be in charge, and help
organize organizations, and also people in it. My traits show that I’m dependable
and this helps me to assist others even personally.
My career choices center on the fact that I like to feel appreciated. Therefore,
I would pick jobs that makes me confident, or gives me the assurance that I have
been able to help someone. I am selfless, and therefore, love to help or assist
people until they are fully satisfied with what I have done. I find comfort with busy
social situations and practical knowledge and skills.
I have loyalty in my DNA and because of this, I play vital roles in
organizations. Loyalty creates transparency. This brings about responsibilities and
creates bigger and better opportunities. I am respectful and loyal to those in
authority and everyone around me irrespective of their positions. This attribute
brings reciprocated energy of the same energy.
For example, I am not working now, but I would love to channel my interest
into something that will help people. I love acts of service, and I love to serve
others. I love when I can be dependable, and be looked up to. Hence, I would love
to work in a health center. Or work as a social worker, to serve those in need. Not
just physical needs, but those that need emotional support.
Success to me is not all about the money. The true wealth is the amount of lives
or hearts you have saved in one way or the other.
My opinion on the depiction of my personality
I am someone who believes predictions about me most of the time, but by
carefully reading this, I have found out that majority of the depictions are correct
and only a few are incorrect. I answered this questions honestly, and to the best of
my ability. That is why I feel that the predictions were a bit generalized.
The predictions stated that I am warm, I judge people, and I am good with
connecting with others. Well I don’t know if I’m warm, I guess I am when I want
to or feel like it. Or if it’s someone that I can trust to reciprocate the same energy. I
am not very good when it comes to socializing and making friends especially if we
are not in the same positions. For example, I am a new student and it is not that
easy making friends because I have never been in this situation before. All my life,
I have always had people who I can be comfortable around, or who were knew
students like I was. But this time is different. So that is not one of my strengths.
Definitely a part of me or traits that I need to work on. I do not consider myself to
be a judging person. I love to put myself in other people’s shoes and try to see
things from their perspective. Especially if I have not been in their situation before.
I feel like judging people is unfair. And I would not want anyone to feel like that
because I feel like everyone should be loved. This is where my trait of being
dependable comes in.
In conclusion, I feel like everyone should be able to take this test, and learn
to evaluate themselves. Especially in career paths and life in general.

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