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Who Am I?

Name: Ava

Go to Answer ALL of the questions as HONESTLY as you can.

What is the name of your designation? Turbulent


What is your code? ____enfjT ____ ____ ____

Letter Percentage

E 60

I 54

F 67

J 56
T 64

What do each of the letters mean?

E_____ = extroverted, energized by social interaction and tend to openly express your
enthusiasm and excitement._________________________________________________
I_____ = intuitive, very imaginative and open-minded, focusing on hidden meanings
and distant possibilities._________________________________________________
F_____ = feeling, value emotional expression and sensitivity, prioritizing empathy,
social harmony, and cooperation._________________________________________________
J_____ = judging, decisive, thorough, and highly organized. You value clarity and
prefer planning to spontaneity.
T= turbulent, self-conscious, sensitive to stress, success-driven, perfectionistic, and
eager to improve.____________________________________________

Section: List bullet points:

Strengths Charismatic Altruistic Passionate reliable Receptive

Strong opinions for positive change and rarely lose sight for main goal
Desire to help people grow
Good at being a service towards others
Sees promises and responsibilities through
Strong opinions
Unrealistic Overly Idealistic Condescending Intense Overly
Take on others issues like there my own,

push them to take risks there not ready for,

I spread myself to thin

Puts to much pressure on myself

Takes on other issues that can leave me physically and mentally exhausted

Relationships Friends and dates people for the long run,

likes people who are big and don’t take short cuts.

Wants mutual growth,

falls in love hard ,

they make first move.

Intense passion.

Helps others reach there goals

Very caring

Puts others goals above my own

Career Paths
Helping others doing what I love,

great leadership

great influencer towards others.

Very versatile.

Suggested job is a diplomat


creative, and social.
are generally likable and good-natured,
like to leave a good impression
can take on multiple opportunities and jobs at once,
very hard working and reliable

The personality quiz related to me a lot in the sense of my

strengths and my weaknesses. In my job especially being
manager at work i gained a lot of leadership and empathy. You
see a lot of different people from different backgrounds so dealing
with those situations really taught me a lot as a person. I am
hoping to go to Kwantlen polytechnic university for a nursing
degree. I'm hoping to work and specialize in the nicu department.
On the side i hope to work with women in shelters and help then
get back on their feet, especially mothers. My job from the quiz
told me I'd be a good diplomat. I don't think this would be a good
job for me as i need to be in a fast pace hands on environment. My
trait connect with my plan as in nursing you have to be reliable and
want to help others grow. My weakness as a nurse that my traits
agree with would be that i will get overly attached with patients and
they may be really hard to deal with, especially loss. My
relationships really connect me as well. I've been in a relationship
for about a year and a half and it's made me realize how much i
put others needs above mine. I love hard and want the best for
him. It also plays into my friendships and family. I chose friends
that have similar values as me and who want to grow in life instead
of keeping it the same. I do sometimes especially in work push
people to hard because it's hard to understand there brain may not
work the same as mine. I am a very fast learner and a great multi
tasker so it's hard for me to teach people in a different way than
that. The quiz does relate very strong to me on a personally level. I
got 67% feeling which i totally agree with as i do tend to think with
my heart a lot before letting my brain process it. The test says i
have a very high sense of self which i agree with as i know who i
am and what i want in life very strongly.

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