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CLC 12 – 16 Personalities Reflection

On the 16 personalities website, I got ISFJ, which means Introverted, Observant, Feeling,
and Judging. I feel that this classification was fairly accurate due to its description of a sensitive,
loyal person that cares tremendously for others and works hard to get things done. ISFJs are
described as hardworking altruists who can struggle with being people pleasers and being
overlooked due to their humility. I believe that is a way I could describe myself as I am definitely
a people pleaser, and I hesitate to take opportunities when they come my way due to my lack of
self-confidence. I do always try my best to foster and maintain meaningful relationships with
others and it matters a lot to me whether or not people appreciate me as well. In class, when
assigned a task I will almost always get on track right away and I am put into a group, I will
make sure that my group also gets the task done. I love helping others and make it my goal to
help my friends whenever they need somebody.

In terms of careers, the skills of ISFJ applies where collaboration and good work ethic are
needed. It is said that they prefer to work in close-knit teams and hesitate to be a leader or
manager, but when they are, they excel at being a caring, thoughtful leader that gets things done.
That applies to myself as I will take the lead when no one else is in order to complete a task and I
prefer to work in small teams that I am comfortable with.

These skills work for careers that facilitate others’ growth, because of an ISFJ’s desire to
help others. These include teaching, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy,
medicine, and social work. I agree with these assessments as I do enjoy helping others and I have
considered teaching and social work for myself. I am not science-inclined and might struggle
with medicine and physical therapy, but it is interesting to see that they are considered a good fit
for my personality type. Other things are helping others in more practical ways, like in customer
service, human resources, IT support, hospitality, and other similar careers. I can also see myself
doing those things because it involves helping others and working hard, which I am willing to
do. However, ISFJs are also considered to have very close attention to detail, which I never
thought about myself. Careers in that area include law, accounting, data analysis, and research,
which I also had not considered for myself, as I am not math-oriented. These skills and careers
paths can align with my ideas of my own career plan as I do like to work in teams and
collaboration, and I do love to help others, so I would consider many of these at some point in
my life.

An ISFJ’s main goals are to help others and find practical solutions to problems, and I
always try to be there for people that I care about and find ways to fix problems. This can be
useful in the workforce and it gives me inspiration to look into different kinds of careers.

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