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Justin Edwards
Excelsior Springs, Missouri

I completed a high-school class on business computer information systems, I have over 5 years of in-depth experience
with computers, I have a lot of public speaking experience, at my previous job my manager thought I was one of her best
and most reliable employees, I would consider myself a hard worker and able to complete pretty much any task that is
given to me.

Cashier/Tour Guide
Fun Farm Pumpkin Patch • kearney, Missouri 07/2022 - 10/2022
to make sure every time I made a sale it was done correctly and efficiently, it was a seasonal job and I reach the top 10
people with the most hours worked in the three period, as a cashier if we made a mistake it came directly out of our
paycheck so you had to be careful not to make any mistakes.

Communication skills, Customer service, English, Computer literacy, Computer Skills

business computer information systems
homeschooled • Excelsior Springs, MO
3.0 GPA, I had to complete a 2-year high School level coding class, a 2-year high School level business computer
information systems class

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