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INGLÉS - 4° GRADO - SESIONES 18, 19 & 20

Sesiones 18, 19 & 20: Actividades domésticas /

Docente: Freddy Cueva Sánchez

Actividades domésticas

1- planchar la ropa 8- poner la mesa

2- lavar la ropa 9- lavar los platos
3- guardar los comestibles 10- limpiar las ventanas
4- tender la cama 11- regar las plantas
5- desempolvar los muebles 12- poner la ropa a secar
6- trapear el piso 13- sacar la basura
7- aspirar las alfombras 14- cortar el césped

INGLÉS - 4° GRADO - SESIONES 18, 19 & 20

Tener que…

Usamos have to para señalar obligaciones.

I have to make the bed. I don’t have to make the bed.
You have to make the bed. You don’t have to make the bed.
He has to make the bed. He doesn’t have to make the bed.
She has to make the bed. She doesn’t have to make the bed.
We have to make the bed. We don’t have to make the bed.
They have to make the bed. They don’t have to make the bed.

Do I have to make the bed? Yes, you do. / No, you don’t.
Do you have to make the bed? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Does he have to make the bed? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.
Does she have to make the bed? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.
Do we have to make the bed? Yes, we do. / No, we, don’t.
Do they have to make the bed? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.

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