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2023 09:54 2056672 - How to import server certificates in PI system

SAP Knowledge Base Article

2056672 - How to import server certificates in

PI system
Component: BC-XI-CON-AFW-SEC (Security), Version: 7, Released On: 21.02.2020

The Certificates Authority provided by the server have expired or have changed and you need to import the
new ones in PI system for the server authentication.
In XPI_Inspector debug trace tool, in the result.html file, if you click in the Communication channel name, you
can see a warning that the certificate authority is not trusted in "Is Remote SSL Server Certificate Trusted"

PI Release Independent
SAP NetWeaver
SAP Process Integration

Reproducing the Issue

1. Use the XPI Inspector trace using Example 50 or 11 to trace the error as per instructions in SAP Note
1514898 (/sap/support/notes/1514898) XPI Inspector for troubleshooting XI
2. Open the resulting zip file
3. Go to result.html

4. Click on the Communication Channel link or scroll down to the relevant section 1/4
24.03.2023 09:54 2056672 - How to import server certificates in PI system

For NetWeaver PI 7.0x releases:

1. Go to the Visual Administrator -> Cluster tab -> <SID> -> Server * -> Services -> Key Storage ->
Runtime tab -> TrustedCAs.
2. Select the TrustedCAs view and click Load button.
3. Import the certificates provided by the server.

For NetWeaver PI 7.1x and higher releases:

1. Go to Netweaver Administrator -> Configuration tab -> Security -> Certificates and Keys -> Key
Storage tab -> TrustedCAs.
2. Select the TrustedCAs view and click Import Entry button.
3. Import the three certificates provided by the server. 2/4
24.03.2023 09:54 2056672 - How to import server certificates in PI system

How to get the missing certificates

It is possible to get the missing certificates directly from the XPI_Inspector tool. The certificates will be
saved in the "certs" folder.

You can download the certificates by clicking in the link Certificate: #x:

It is also possible to get the certificates directly with the server provider or by accessing the webservice
via browser and getting the certificates collected by the browser.

Note: Once the Keystore has been updated with the certificates, you will need to restart the channel to reflect
the changes.

How to import server certificates in PI system, expired, Nfe, certs, certificate, nota fiscal eletronica, peer
certificate reject by chain verifier, connection reset, certificate authority, CA, NF-e, trustedca, trustedcas,
certificates, bad certificate, SEFAZ, AFIP, Process Integration 7.0, PI 7.0, PI 7.01, PI 7.02, Process Integration
7.10, PI 7.10, Process Integration 7.11, PI 7.11, Process Integration 7.30, PI 7.30, Process Integration 7.31, PI
7.31, Process Orchestration 7.40, PI 7.40, PO 7.40, Process Orchestration 7.50, PI 7.50, PO 7.50, NetWeaver,
XI, keystore

Key Value

Other Components SLL-NFE (Nota Fiscal Electronica (NFe)) 3/4
24.03.2023 09:54 2056672 - How to import server certificates in PI system


SAP NetWeaver all versions

SAP Process Integration all versions

This document refers to

SAP Title

1514898 XPI Inspector for troubleshooting SAP Process Orchestration / Integration


This document is referenced by

SAP Title

3076281 Peer certificate rejected by ChainVerifier - No trusted certificate found, rejected

(/sap/support/notes/3076281 )

3057117 Peer certificate rejected by ChainVerifier - EC signed SHA256withRSA server certificate server
certificate not capable for ECDHE_ECDSA key exchange algorithm!
(/sap/support/notes/3057117 )

2509971 FAQs on the impact of Successfactors Certificate Renewal if you use APIs (SFAPI/OData
API/adHoc API) (/sap/support/notes/2509971 )

2626189 Unable to establish HTTP connection error occur when performing Directory objects CPA
cache update in HTTPS mode (/sap/support/notes/2626189 ) 4/4

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