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Topic: Multiple Cropping


What is Multiple cropping?

Multi cropping is defined as planting two or even more kinds of crops in the same field. It
is also known as polyculture. Usually, these crop species always possess overlapping growth
And also it is one of the agronomic measures to increase the effective length of the
growing season the amount of rainwater that can be used for crop production.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Multiple Cropping

Advantages of Multiple Cropping

 It increases the harvests
 It increases the export
 It increases foreign exchange
 It aids in handling weeds
 It aids in maintaining and improving the soil fertility
 Several types of products can be easily produced at a go
 It acts as a better source of soul use

Disadvantages of Multiple Cropping

 Pests and even diseases can make it very easily
 The use of the currently available technological innovations is difficult
 Pests and diseases can move from one crop to another one easily
 Controlling weeds is always harder

Types of Multiple Cropping

Below are some of the ways that multiple cropping can be classified:
 Monoculture – This is the planting of similar crops in the same field in a year such as
rice beans after beans and kales after kales.
 Duo culture -This is a situation whereby two conflicting crops are planted at different
times of the year in the same field. For example, rice after kales.
 Polyculture –This involves more than two different types of crops planted in a sequence
in a field in the same year.


 What is Multiple cropping
 Advantages and Disadvantages of Multiple Cropping
 Types of Multiple Cropping


1. Abhishek, Aditya (2020-09-19). "MULTIPLE CROPPING- Definition, Benefits and selection

of crops. Agriculture Review. Retrieved 2020-12-14.

2. Bunnett, R.B. (2002). Interactive TMKC bsdk4, p. 98. SNP Pan Pacific publishing.

3. multiple cropping could help feed the world. CGIA Retrieved 2020-14-19.

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