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Epic Leap

Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA CPCC LPE

The Epic Leap Handbook

YOU are designed to play bigger, to change more lives and to create a
business that lights you up and… that often requires leaps.

Whether you are contemplating big or small leaps for you and your business
in the near future, you are in the right place

The Epic Leap Handbook is going to give you a head-start.

We will define what a leap is, explore what YOUR next leap will be and
you’ll learn about the invisible roadblocks that will interfere with successfully
leaping. You’ll also get some solid roadblock-busting truths to guide your

Are you ready?



© 2024 Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA CPCC

The Epic Leap Handbook

What is a Leap?
First of all, you have probably all experienced leaps in your career journey and in your
business. If you’ve changed careers, started a new business, set a big outrageous goal
for yourself or did something new that scared you, then you have experienced a leap.

We are all wired for growth in my opinion - and taking a leap is a very intentional YES to
something new.

Usually a leap is precipitated by something; a sense of dissatisfaction, something isn’t

working the way you expected, you’re not getting enough money, recognition, time
off, clients, etc. It can also be precipitated by a yearning or a desire for something and
you’re not even quite sure what it is…but you know there is something more for you. It
can even be experienced as a calling. Bottom line, there is a desire for a change and
you want epic results - even if you don’t speak that latter part out loud.

No matter what precipitated your leaps in the past or your desire to leap now, leaps are
scary. They take you out of your comfort zone. They also energize you and your business.
And when you see it through it can deliver crazy exciting results that pick you up and
catapult you to a whole new landscape.

When you are feeling called to play a bigger game and expand your reach,
opportunities will show up.

This is exactly what happened to me…

My business was at a plateau and I knew that if I wanted a different level of success,
something needed to change.

An amazing opportunity showed up to apply to present my new program at a coaching

industry event called JVX. If chosen I would be able to ask industry leaders to promote
my program to their lists - that could make a huge difference in my business - and I went
for it.

I was 1 of 5 accepted to be ‘shark bait’ for what they called Shark Attack.

This involved getting on stage in front of about 16 industry leaders, describing my

program and why it was amazing and asking them to support it.

© 2024 Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA CPCC

The Epic Leap Handbook

I’d never done anything like this before. For a shy person, totally uncomfortable on a
stage, this was a big scary deal. You can bet my knees were knocking, but I did it! AND,
the response was amazing. I got so much great advice, tons of ideas and 5 people
offered to promote me at my next launch - That was an epic result.

That one experience kicked off an up-level of EVERYTHING in my business and I had my
first successful joint venture launch. In fact, I doubled the number of participants in the
program and I had my first 6-figure year. If I hadn’t had the courage to leap, my business
would not be where it is today.

This can be true for you too!

© 2024 Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA CPCC

The Epic Leap Handbook

Finding Your Leap

Leaping in your business brings more aliveness. It rekindles passion. Your leaps also
inspire your clients and make you more attractive to them.

What constitutes a leap is different for everyone. It doesn’t have to look like mine.
Sometimes leaps are internal shifts. sometimes strategic, sometimes a full-out pivot. It’s
really about what’s calling to you.

It helps to get out of your head to really listen to what your heart and soul want.

Images work great to bypass our active left brain censor and tap into the place
of associations and metaphor. Sometimes our thinking self will bring judgement to
dreaming. The following creative exercises will help you zip right on past the judge to find
out what you really want.

© 2024 Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA CPCC

The Epic Leap Handbook

What leap is calling to you?

Take about 30 seconds to choose the image that answers the question: What leap is
calling to you?

Let your intuition guide you…you don’t even have know why you are choosing an

© 2024 Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA CPCC

The Epic Leap Handbook

Lets explore the image you chose a bit before connecting it to the initial question. Fill in
your responses to the prompts below.

1. As you look at the image whats the first thing that comes to mind?


2. Does the image take you somewhere? To a story or a memory?


3. What are 3 words you would use to describe the image?


4. If the image were a book cover, what would the title be?


5. What is this image telling you about your next leap?


© 2024 Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA CPCC

The Epic Leap Handbook

Let’s explore your leap further with a new image prompt.

What’s important about this leap?

Choose the image that best reflects the answer to that question.
Let your right brain choose, no need to over think…

Lets explore your chosen image a bit before connecting it to “What’s important about
this leap?” Fill in your responses to the prompts below.

© 2024 Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA CPCC

The Epic Leap Handbook

1. As you look at the image what’s the first thing that comes to mind?


2. Does the image take you somewhere? To a story or a memory?

3. What are 3 words you would use to describe the image?


4. If the image were a movie, what would the title be?


5. What is this image telling you about what’s important about your next leap?



Given what came up for you via the images and your responses to the prompts, write
down what your next leap is and why it’s important.





© 2024 Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA CPCC

The Epic Leap Handbook


Are you feeling the potential of your leap? Maybe a little excited? Maybe a little
scared? Take a moment to write about what’s possible for you if your leap is wildly




I want you to have that level of success and the universe does too! The universe doesn’t
call you to impossible dreams!

© 2024 Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA CPCC

The Epic Leap Handbook


Roadblocks & Truths

There are so many ways we can get stalled and even stopped in the leap process.
The how to’s, lack of resources, lack of support can all play a role but I want to focus
on 4 roadblocks that are less visible and can really undermine success, and they often
interweave with each other.

Roadblock #1 Mindset Potholes

We all have stories and beliefs running all the time. Some are more conscious than
others. There are big stories and small ones that keep us stuck and scared.

Here are a few common stories that show up often when you are trying something new
and scary…

It will work for others but not me…

I won’t stick with it…
I’m not enough…
I don’t deserve this kind of success…

This is the saboteur voice and the saboteur doesn’t want change.

It tells you lies to keep you from trying. And too often we fall for the lies- especially when
they have a familiar ring to them.

What are the stories you tell yourself?




Noticing and naming those stories as coming from a saboteur, (aka gremlin, inner critic or
judge) is the first step. Then play with options and look for the nurturing true voice within,
your higher self or sage mind. That voice will remind you who you are and remind you of
past successes. You get to choose which you listen too.

I think the more insidious mindset potholes are the small ones.
Small beliefs or stories we tell ourselves can be just as limiting.

© 2024 Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA CPCC

The Epic Leap Handbook


I had an experience with this…I was thinking about my business and journaling and all
of a sudden realized that I had a story running that I could only grow incrementally. It
seemed based in logic. However what I found under that story was a fear that I couldn’t
handle big growth all at once, I would be overwhelmed and fail to deliver. It was
protective and limiting.

WOW - can you see how a belief like that would limit the choices you make in your

I had to pause and ask myself, is that true? What would need to be in place to handle
big growth?

Letting go of that limiting belief actually became the leap. But I had to see the limitation

Notice as you are taking steps toward leaping, what kind of beliefs and stories show up
for you. When you notice them, challenge them!

In the second exercise earlier, we used image prompts to explore whats important to you
about your leap. This is your WHY. The clearer you are about your why, the more power
your why has to pull you through bumps along the way.

Truth #1

The truth is…

1. Your dream is important. The universe doesn’t call you

to impossible dreams.

2. You are enough. More than enough for whatever is

calling to you.

3. The saboteur tells lies. Listen for your inner champion


4. Your WHY is important fuel for your journey and will

keep you going when things get bumpy.

© 2024 Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA CPCC

The Epic Leap Handbook


Roadblock #2 Pretzel Resistance

This one is related to the mindset potholes but with a twist. Creative people in particular
are rebels and do not want to be boxed in, or told what to do. Their biggest fear related
to leaping is that they will have to become something they are not, or do things they
hate. They do not want to have to turn themselves into a pretzel to get results.

This can be experienced on a continuum. On one end of the continuum you are fiercely
independent, on the other end, you might have a tenuous hold on who you are and
fear losing it altogether.

The fear of turning yourself into a pretzel or losing yourself can prevent you from receiving
valuable strategic guidance or using tested processes, templates and approaches. It
keeps you from getting the support that could make your leap easier.

This stance is often grounded in a strength like Independence or originality. Your leap
needs those strengths - however, the first thing to realize is that saboteurs often wrap
themselves around a strength. And it’s not always clearly visible.

Your strengths, style and identity are all important and can really serve your leap. But be
on the look-out for how the saboteur limits your success by co-opting your strength.

Any leap that asks you to be something other than your authentic self is not a leap worth

Your unique journey, inspirations, experiences, challenges, the ups and downs and all
the training along the way make you unique. These are the things that shape your voice,
your way of looking at the world and ultimately your contribution. Your people need your
take on things. They want your wisdom, not someone else’s.

© 2024 Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA CPCC

The Epic Leap Handbook


Truth #2

The truth is…

1. You can do it your way.

2. Be open to resources available to you. You don’t have

to reinvent the wheel.

3. Infuse your originality into everything.

4. Notice when you are digging your heels in…

Roadblock #3 Strategy vs Creativity

Both strategy and creativity are required for successful leaping. This roadblock is the
attachment to one over the other.

Creatives tend to love spending time creating and get frustrated by strategy. Those
who love strategy commit to the steps and barrel through without giving any thought to

Our society tends to favor strategy so I want to talk about about bringing these two

Left brain-right brain, head and heart, logic and intuition are useful constructs. - If you
lean heavily toward one. you are missing out on half of the resources available to you.
One thing to be aware of is that right-brain processes by-pass the very talented left brain
censor! This is important as the left brain is where the inner critic and saboteurs live.

© 2024 Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA CPCC

The Epic Leap Handbook


Most people fail to bring creativity and intuition to their leap strategies.

They think creativity and Intuition is only for the creative projects not for the linear, logical,
strategic parts of the leap journey. But it can make a difference there too.

New ideas show up when you put two things together that you haven’t put together
before. The impact of introducing some sort of creative stimulus is that it will create new
associations which can lead to new solutions or perceptions.

Here are a few ways to bring in creative stimulus to a strategic process (Strategic
processes might include things like marketing, platforms, packaging your offers,
attracting referral partners, getting speaking gigs, etc. )

Draw a card from an inspirational or oracle card deck

Create a collage
Find a symbol in nature
Consult with an inner board of directors
Journal with your higher-self or a wisdom figure
Walk a labyrinth

Truth #3

The truth is…

1. Creativity and intuition are your ace in the hole.

2. Run everything about your leap through that filter from

creating to strategy. It will breath fresh life into your
work and bring new ideas to help you stand out and
leap with more ease.

3. Creativity likes stimulus and you can find stimulus


4. Notice when you are digging your heels in…

© 2024 Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA CPCC

The Epic Leap Handbook


Roadblock #4 - Avoiding “YES”!

This invisible roadblock is about failing to say “YES” to having epic results.

Sometimes you think you’ve said yes and you go through the motions but at a deep
level you have not. It’s not always evident on the surface.

You have maybe said yes to taking the steps, but not to the epic results.
or you keep back pedaling on the results you want.

There are reasons we don’t say yes to that epic result

The most common is the desire to stay comfortable. Epic leaps are edgy and sometimes

Sometimes it’s about not fully believing its okay to have what you want, so you hold

Saying a full body “YES!” to getting what you want is essential!

There is an energetic difference. When you say yes to epic results- you can feel it in your
body - every cell is all in!

A full body yes is needed to call in the result you want and awaken the commitment to
do what’s needed to get it.

Take some time with these journaling prompts.

What is the Epic Result I want?


What do I need to get that result?


What power do I need to step into?


© 2024 Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA CPCC

The Epic Leap Handbook


What support do I need to do this?


And then set about to put the pieces in place to do just that!

As you do, it will be exciting! But the YES needs to happen first for the epic result to

Truth #4

Saying a full body “YES!” to your epic leap means…

1. Owning that you want something more!

2. Trusting that it’s okay to have it!

This sounds simple, but its big!

3. This is where saboteurs will creep in and convince you

that you can’t have what you want. You need people
around you to remind you of who you are, your unique
brilliance and remind you that yes. you do get to have
what you want!

4. Take action in the direction of the epic result you want.

Continue to say “YES” with each step you take. As you
do, the universe will help and syncronicity kicks in.

© 2024 Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA CPCC

The Epic Leap Handbook


As I said at the beginning - Your Leap Matters!

YOU are designed to play bigger, to change more lives and to create a business that
lights you up.

Say Yes to your big dream! Bring creativity and strategy together. Notice saboteurs and
choose to listen to your sage mind instead. Be open to guidance and support. And tap
into your “Why” frequently.

I want to wrap it up with this quote by Robert Fritz

“If you limit your choice only to what seems possible or reasonable,
you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise.”
“The human spirit will not invest itself in a compromise.”
Robert Fritz

Do not compromise - go for the epic result you want!

© 2024 Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA CPCC

When your soul is calling you to LEAP...
It’s a sure sign that you are ready for more…

What I know is that when your soul calls you to leap, it just

keeps calling. It might get quiet for a bit, but it will come
back! With more volume and insistence!

I also know that when you follow that call and take
that courageous LEAP you will have a business that will

Light you up

Make you more money

Expand your impact

And put you in an exciting, elevated place where all kinds of

happy surprises show up!

Your Leap Matters!

If you would like to explore your next LEAP with me - let’s talk.
Your leap matters!

Schedule with me here:
About Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA LPE CPCC
Marcy is all about transforming lives through products! She
helps others create successful products, she sells products
through her online store and she reviewed products for
choice, the magazine of professional coaching for over 20

Whether you are an entrepreneur, a coach, an author, speaker or healer,

Marcy will help you stand out creatively in the marketplace. Her clients hire
her because they are ready to finally claim their wisdom, develop their own
unique voice and create powerful products and programs that reflect who
they are, make a difference and make money.

Marcy is the creator of The popular Card Deck Master Class, Card Deck
Ka’Ching, The Product Lab and The Epic Leap Mastermind.
Learn more at…

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